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  Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 - April 27, 1882) was born in Boston. American thinker, writer, poet. Emerson is the representative of the American culture. Former US President Lincoln called him "American Confucius" and "Father of American Civilization". Published in 1836 debut "on nature". His contribution to literature is mainly in prose and poetry. 18 April 1882 died in Boston.


  In September 1835, Emerson and other like-minded intellectuals founded the Transcendental Club. Until July 1840, Emerson published his first essay in September 1836, Nature ". When the work becomes the basic principle of transcendence, many people immediately think that this is the Italian works.

  In 1837 Emerson published a famous speech on the theme of "American Scholar", proclaiming that American literature had been independent from British literature and warned American scholars not to let the study learn to spread, do not blindly follow tradition, imitate. In addition, this speech also criticized the American society of money worship, emphasizing the value of people. Known as the United States in the field of ideological and cultural "Declaration of Independence".

  One year later, Emerson criticized the only deity of Christianity in the Dean of the Theological Seminary, striving for the supreme human being, and advocating the intuition of the truth. "Believe in your own thoughts, and believe that what is right in your heart that is right for you is applicable to all ... ..." literary critics Lawrence Bull in the "Emerson Biography" said, Emerson and his doctrine, Is the most important secular religion in the United States.

  In 1838 he was invited to return to Harvard University Theological Seminary for the graduation ceremony. His comments immediately shocked the entire Protestant community, because he explained that when Jesus was a man, he was not God (at that time people would rather not hear such a speech). Thus, he was condemned as an atheist and poisoned the young man's mind, and faced with these criticisms he did not make any response or defense. In the following 40 years, he was no longer invited to the Harvard University speech, but in the mid-1880s, his position became a doctrine of the doctrine.


  In 1840 Emerson was the editor of the "sundial" of the transcendentalist publication, further promoting transcendentalism. Later, he compiled his own speech into a book, which is the famous "Proceedings". The first episode of the Proceedings was published in 1841, including 12 papers such as "On Self-help", "On Spirit", "On Compensation", "On Love", "On Friendship". Three years later, the second episode of the Proceedings was also published. This book as Emerson won a great reputation, his mind is called the core of transcendentalism, he himself was known as the "American Renaissance leader" reputation.

  In early 1842, Emerson's eldest son of China because of suffering from scarlet fever and died. Emerson presented his grief in his two masterpieces: an elegy and his essay "Experience" (Experience). In the same year William James was born, Emerson agreed to be his godfather.

  Emerson became a famous speaker in New England and other countries outside the United States. When he can not attend some speeches as scheduled, Frederick Douglas will replace him. Emerson's speech has many different themes, many of his works are extracted from his speech.

  Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry David Thoreau are friends and often walk with them at Concord. Emerson inspired Thoreau's talent. Thoreau has also built a house in Walden, of Jackson County, Colorado. When Thoreau lives in Walden, Emerson offers food and hires Thoreau to finish some work. When Thoreau left Walden two years later, Emerson left because he wanted to travel, and Thoreau lived at Emerson's home.

  Their friendly relationship was broken by Thomson's first book, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, when Ruth gave rude advice. This book is not very extensive design, and Emerson took him to see their agents, which allows Thoreau to bear the cost of publishing this book and the risk. Readers of this book is not much, this thoreau began to bear the debt. Finally, the two of them reconcile some of the differences, but Thoreau in private still condemned Emerson gradually deviated from his initial outlook on life, and Emerson began to Thoreau as a weary person. Emerson gave a negative evaluation of Thoreau's rhetoric in the 19th century.

  Emerson is an abstract and esoteric writer, but his speech still has a lot of people to listen. Emerson's work is based on his diary's observation of things, and when he was still at Harvard, he had written diary habits, and those diaries were carefully indexed by Emerson. He writes his own experiences and ideas in his diary and brings out some meaningful messages and combines with his intensive and condensed lecture essence. Later, he revised and relented the content of the speech, so that his essay and some other works.

  He was a man who was regarded as one of the great performers at the time, and fascinated the audience with a low voice. He was very enthusiastic and treated with an equal attitude and valued the audience. His straightforward and uncompromising stance on the abolition of niggerism led him to object to and mock after talking about the subject. He continues to publish a radical abolition of the slaves but does not consider whether people like it. He tried to refrain from joining any open political movement or group, and was often eager to be independent, which reflected his individualist position. He often insisted not to advocate, to become a person alone on their own. In his later years, people wanted him to count the number of his writings, and he still said that his faith was "infinite individual".

  Emerson's early reading of the French essayist Montaigne's works, and by its great influence. He understood the personal style from these works and began to lower his trust in God. He never read Kant's work, but he read Coleridge's explanation of the German transcendentalist. This makes Emerson do not believe in the soul and God.


  After Emerson died, he was buried in the Slippe Valley Cemetery in Concord, Massachusetts. In May 2006, Emerson published the "Theological Seminary" after 168 years, Harvard University Theological Seminary announced the creation of UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association).

  Emerson's collection of many of the prose of "Collected Essays: First (1841) and Second (1844) Series" is considered one of the 100 masterpieces.

  Emerson's Proceedings praised the idea that people would trust themselves, and those who believed in themselves were representatives of all, because he perceived the universal truth. Emerson with a transcendentalist's tone, quietly narrated his view of the world, transcendentalism combined and penetrated the neo-Platonism and similar Calvin sectarian a serious moral and that can be in all natural In the discovery of God's love romantic optimism.

  Emerson likes to speak, face the crowd to make him excited, he said he felt a great emotion in the call, his main reputation and achievements established here. He became the leader of American transcendentalism through his own essays and speeches, and became the most important of the informal philosophers. His philosophical spirit is manifested in the remarkable view of logic and empiricism. He despises the exploration of pure theory and believes in nature, which embodies the laws of God and God.

  In addition to the Proceedings, Emerson's works include "Representatives", "British Characteristics", "Poems", "May Festival and Other Poems".

  Emerson 's prose writer, thinker, poet in one. His poetry, prose unique, pay attention to the ideological content and not too much emphasis on rhetoric gorgeous, writing like aphorism, philosophical easy to understand, persuasive, and a typical "Emerson style." Some people commented on his words: "Emerson seems to only write a sentence," his text reveals the temperament is difficult to describe: both full of autocratic and no doubt, but also has an open spirit of democracy; both aristocratic arrogance , More civilians of the direct; both clear and easy to understand, and often mixed with some kind of mysticism ... ... a person can be inserted in an article so many alarm is really amazing, those worth it in the morning Why do you read the words always inspiring, the years are not for him to cover the dust, but against the background he was sparkling.

  Emerson's greatest achievement in the history of American culture and literature is that he insists on the establishment of an independent national culture and literature. He is against the sudden attack, follow the footsteps. He preached the spiritual independence of the New World. Emerson's thought in its famous "American philosopher" in the further development. Emerson asked the American thinkers to "know themselves", "observe the natural", search by others long, create a new culture of the new continent, write their own books, in order to achieve their own perfection at the same time, for human progress contribution. He asked the American philosopher to be an independent thinker, not someone else's thought.

  He pointed out that the book contains the wisdom of the past era, but can not step by step in the past, can not regulate the moment step. He asked scholars to become a universe, rather than being pulled out of their own orbit. Some of the ideas are creative, some of the behavior is creative, some of the rhetoric is creative, these are from the mind itself feel good and the United States naturally gush out. He warned that the genius of the past could be the enemy of today's genius, and that Shakespeare could "modernize" the original style of modernity. American scholars should look forward, the eyes long in front of the head, full of hope to write their own books, each era should write their own books.



