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下面这则广告中的形容词“irresistable”里的后缀( suffix)不对,应该把“-able”改为“-ible”:

“We offer: competitive monthly salary, weekly incentives, attractive transport allowance, incentive trips and irresistable performance bonus.”




㈠加到名词上的主要有:① -y,如:bloody, dirty, healthy, juicy, muddy; ② -ly,如:costly, friendly, lovely, orderly, timely;③ -ful,如:careful, faithful, helpful, peaceful, useful;④ -less,如:careless, harmless, noiseless, senseless, useless;⑤ -ous/-ious,如:dangerous; courageous, envious, mysterious;⑥ -al/-tal/-ial/-tial,如:accidental, horizontal, colonial, influential;⑦ -ic/-etic/-atic,如:artistic, sympathetic, systematic;⑧ -ish,如:childish, foolish, selfish;⑨ -like,如: life-like, business-like, war-like;⑩ -ed/-en,如:skilled, horned, golden, wooden.

㈡加到动词上的有:① -ent/-ant,如:dependent, different, observant, pleasant;② -able/-ible,如: agreeable, comfortable, defensible, sensible;③ -ive/-tive/-ative/-itive,如:active, attentive, imaginative, sensitive;④ -ed/-en,如:advanced, noted, stolen, swollen;⑤ -ing,如:annoying, disgusting, entertaining.

-able/ible 出现在第二类后缀中,“-able”后缀的形容词属英语体系的字:“-ible”后缀的形容词则来自拉丁体系。前者数量大,后者数量少,主要的是下面这些,可以特别留意:

accessible, apprehensible, audible, compatible, contemptible, convertible, corrigible, destructible, digestible, divisible, defensible, edible, eligible, exhaustible, fallible, feasible, flexible, forcible, horrible, illegible, intelligible, negligible, perceptible, possible, responsible, resistible, sensible, suspectible, tangible, terrible, visible.



-ment, -t, -ture, -ion/-ition, -al, -ance, -ent, -er, -ant 等。这些名词后缀都要加到适当的动词上,如:arrangement, restraint, fixture, celebration, extension, competition, renewal, assistance, resident, exporter, attendant.

-ness, -y/-ty/-ity, -th, -ce/-cy 等,可以加到适当的形容词上如:darkness, kindness, honesty, loyalty, simplicity, truth, warmth, importance, absence, ungency, efficiency.


加到名词上的有 -en, -ise/-ize, -fy, -ate,如:frighten, apologise, beautify, motivate.

加到形容词上的有 -ise/-ize, -en,如:modernise, realise, brighten, weaken.


-ly,可以加到形容词和某些名词上,如:beautifully, clearly, leisurely, weekly.







① Mr Li told Mr Lin that he was wrong.

这里的 he 既可指林先生,也可指李先生,含糊不清。应该改为 ②或③:

② Mr Li said to Mr Lin, "I am wrong."

③ Mr Li said to Mr Lin, "You are wrong."


④ The man leaned over the bench for hours working on the plan. It was too low to be comfortable.

这里的代词 it 离开名词 the bench 太远,结果关系不清楚,因为在位置上,它更适合指引 the plan.在这种情况下,只好避开 it,而用名词,即 the bench.

㈢避免滥用指示代词“this, that”或关系代词“who, which, that”泛指上文的内容。例如:

⑤ Tom's brother is an accountant, and this is the profession everyone envies."

这里的 this 指“accountant”。“会计师”是一种专业人士,和后头的“专业”(profession)并不相称,因此要把 this 改为 accountancy(会计工作),才合句子的意思。

⑥ The profit from the business was large, which I realised sometime later.

这里的“which I realised sometime later”是句形容词分句,应该出现在先行词后面,不应该脱离出来而独立。如果要用它来修饰全句话,更不合逻辑,应该改为⑦或⑧:

⑦ I realised sometime later that the profit from the business was large.(主句 + 名词分句)

⑧ The profit from the business was large. I realised this (matter) sometime later.(单句 + 单句)

㈣避免用代名词“they, you, it”影射脑子里的事物,如:

⑨ In Singapore, it relies heavily on tourism as a source of national revenue.

这里的 it 指向什么呢?如果是心目中的“政府”或“旅游促进局”,那就要明言,不要用不清不楚的 it:

⑩ In Singapore, the government……

In Singapore, the Tourist Promotion Board……

In less industrialised countries, they do not know the problems of urban development.

这里的代名词 they 是不是指 the people(人民)?如果是就用吧。In less industrialised countries, the people……过后,要再提这主语时,才用 they:……the people……They are only interested in their daily life.


In less industrialised countries, the problems of urban development are not known.


主动语态比被动语态直接而有力,多用主动语态,可以使文章充满朝气,呈现活力。在下列两组句子中, (b)比(a)有力:

(1) a.My first visit to New Zealand will always be remembered by me.

b. I will always remember my first visit to New Zealand.

(2) a.The crowing of cocks could be heard at dawn.

b. The cocks' crow came with dawn.

虽然如此,在某些情况下,非用被动语态不可。前此已提过这事,这里不再重述。这里只有指出其中一点,就是有些动词,如 "base, schedule, expect, suppose" 等,通常以被动语态形式出现。


(1)This survey was based on facts.

(2)The last train is scheduled to leave at 9pm.

(3)You are expected to come on time.

(4)All are supposed to work hard.



(1)Helen's left lung is infected.

(2)He is confined to the house by illness.

(3)The old man was seized with sudden chest pains.


(4) I am completely exhausted after the game.

(5)Tom was done up after the race.


(6)The children were fascinated by the toys.

(7)We were delighted to hear the good news.

(8) I am very pleased to see you here.


(9)The workers were held up by the heavy rain.

(10)The road was blocked by ice.

(11)The train was delayed by 30 minutes.


(12)Tom is addicted to smoking.

(13)Foreign workers are quite used to hard work.


(14)Who was upset by John?

(15)Mother was annoyed to know this.


(16) I was surprised to see him here.

(17)All were shocked to hear the bad news.


(18)The troops were surrounded.

(19)Troy was besieged.


(20)Judy's reputation is tarnished.

(21)The water was contaminated with oil.


(22)All were frightened out of their wits.

(23)He was puzzled about what to do next.




过去将来时常用于宾语从句或间接引语中。过去将来时常用“would + 动词原形”或“was / were going to + 动词原形”来表达。


例如:Mary told me that she would go to Shanghai by plane. 玛丽告诉我说她将要坐飞机去上海。


1. 表示从过去某个时间看来将要发生的动作或存在的状态。

I didn’t know when he would go to the park.

He said that he would wait for me at the school gate.

此种情况常用于宾语从句或间接引语中。用“was / were going to + 动词原形”,“was / were about to + 动词原形”表示将来的动作或状态。

She told me she was going to fly to Yunnan.

I was about to leave the house when the telephone rang.



He said the train was leaving at

five the next morning. He said he was coming to see me.

常见于come, go等瞬间动词。


A ) would + 动词原形

如:He asked me if I would stay here. 他问我是否要待在这儿。

B ) was / were going to + 动词原形

如:No one knew when he was going to finish his homework. 没有人知道他什么时候会完成作业。

C ) was/ were ( about ) to + 动词原形

如:He said that they were to leave at six. 他说他们将于6点动身。

She said that the meeting was about to begin. 她说会议就要开始了

D) come, go, arrive, leave, die 等瞬时动词,用在过去进行时态中表示过去将来。

如:She told us that she was leaving for Yunnan. 她告诉我们她将要去云南。


A ) 主句为过去时,宾语从句常表示将要发生的事情。

如:Nobody knew what would happen after a hundred years.没有人知道一百年之后将会发生什么事。

We wanted to know whether she was going to speak at the meeting. 我们想知道她是否准备在会上发言。

B ) 在叙述过去的事情或事情发生的经过时,用过去将来时表示在当时看将来会发生的事。

如:It was a Sunday afternoon. A young woman named Maria had just left school.


He was going to start to work the next week, so she decided to buy some new clothes and a new pair of shoes. 因为她准备下周开始工作,所以,决定买些新衣服和一双新鞋子。

C ) 过去将来时还可以用来表示非真实的动作或状态。

如:If I had a chance to study abroad, I would study at Harvard University.如果我有机会出国学习的话,我就会去哈佛大学。

I wish he would go with me to the cinema tonight. 今晚他能和我一起去看电影就好了。


★ 中考英语语法知识点汇总

★ 九年级英语知识点归纳总结

★ 初三英语语法总结归纳有哪些

★ 初中英语语法知识点提纲

★ 九年级上册英语语法知识点总结

★ 初三英语知识点归纳

★ 九年级下册英语知识点全归纳


