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1.Where does the girl want to go?

A.To a hospital. B.To a bookstore. C.To a library.

2.What’s Mary’s favorite subject?

A.English. B.History. C.Science.

3.How was the weather last Sunday?

A.Rainy. B.Windy. C.Snowy.

4.Whose birthday is on Friday?

A.Helen’s. B.Bruce’s. C.Maggie’s.

5.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son. B.Doctor and patient. C.Classmates.




6.What does the woman order?

A.Beef and vegetables. B.Chicken and beef. C.Fish and vegetables.

7.How much does the meal cost?

A.35yuan. B.45yuan. C.55yuan.


8.What does the boy want to do this summer?

A.Climb a mountain. B.Take a cooking class. C.Learn a language.

9.What is the girl’s advice?

A.To do some reading. B.To do some exercise. C.To do some shopping.


10.Where will the activity be?

A.In a middle school. B.In the art center. C.In the old people’s home.

11.What will the students do there?

A.Tell stories. B.Sing songs. C.Put on a play.

12.How long will the activity last?

A.For 2 hours. B.For 3 hours. C.For 4 hours.


13.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A plan. B.A game. C.An invitation.

14.How will they go there?

A.By bike. B.By car. C.By bus.

15.What should the boy take with him?

A.A camera. B.An umbrella. C.An ID card.



16.______ 17.______ 18.______ 19.______ 20.______




Dancers WantedforOurSchool’s

50th Anniversary

To celebrateourschool’s50thanniversary(周年纪念日), wearegoingtochooseanumberofdancers.Comeandshowyourselfat9:30am thisFridayintheconcerthall.

Join Us!

We areHeartBeat.

We haveapianist,aguitaristandadrummer(鼓手).

We needYOUtosingwithus.

Join usat4:00pmthisTuesdayintheschoolmusichall.

Let’s playwonderfulmusictogether!

Shining Club

We haveallkindsofclayfigurine(泥塑) worksforyou.YoucanlearnaboutChinesetraditionalartfrom them.

Create yourownfigurineandtakeithome.

TIME: 9:00amnextWednesday

PLACE: RoomA201

Famous EnvironmentalisttoGiveaTalk

Air pollutioniscausingmoreandmoreproblems.Whatcanwedo?Awell-known environmentalistwillcometoourschoolandgiveatalk.Cometoknowmoreand takeaction!

TIME: 3:30pm—5:30pmnextThursday

PLACE: Hall2


1. Who is wanted for Heart Beat?

A. A singer. B. A guitarist. C. A drummer. D. A pianist.

2. What is special about Shining Club?

A. It offers chances to music fans. B. It requires one to be creative.

C. It provides prizes for great works. D. It allows one to come at any  time.

3. When will the talk start?

A. At 4:00 pm this Tuesday. B. At 9:30 am this Friday.

C. At 9:00 am next Wednesday. D. At 3:30 pm next Thursday.

4. If Tina wants to show her dancing ability, where should she go?

A. To Hall 2. B. To the music hall.

C. To Room A201. D. To the concert hall.

5. Where can we probably read the text?

A. On a school notice board. B. In a city guidebook.

C. On a community website. D. In a local newspaper.


Vicky’s mother opened the door. She had a look at Vicky’s bedroom.

“What a mess! It looks as if a hurricane (飓风) passed through Vicky’s  bedroom,” said Vicky’s mother. “I must ask her to clean it.”

Vicky was eating breakfast. Her father came into the kitchen and said, “Mom  wants you to clean your room. It looks as if a hurricane passed through it.”

Joe, Vicky’s little brother, asked, “A hurricane? Is that a bad thing?”

“Sure it is,” said his father.

“I’ll do it after school, Dad,” said Vicky. “My first class is geography  and Mr. Miller hates people to be late.” And off she ran through the front  door.

Twenty minutes later, Vicky ran into her classroom.

“Today,” said Mr. Miller, “we’re going to learn about hurricanes. Have any  of you seen a hurricane?” Vicky thought about her bedroom, but she said  nothing.

“I haven’t seen one. Not a real one but I watched a program on TV and I  know they destroy (破坏) things and leave a mess,” said James who sat next to  Vicky.

“Yes,” said Mr. Miller. “But today I’m going to surprise you. Sometimes  hurricanes do good.”

“Hurricanes can be good things?” Vicky asked “Oh, yes,” said Mr. Miller.  “Hurricanes bring a lot of water to rivers and lakes that are becoming dry.  Animals and fish come back to live in them. Hurricanes also pick up heat from  the very hot areas of the world and drop it in less warm places.”

“So, hurricanes can be good things,” Vicky said to herself. “I’m going to  show Mom the good part.”

When Vicky got home in the afternoon, she began to clean up her bedroom.  She put all of her things in their proper places.

“Mom,” she called. “Can you come here for a minute?”

Vicky’s mother put her head around the door.

“Vicky!” she said. “That looks fantastic! I told your dad this morning that  it looked as if a hurricane had hit it!”

“Are you sure that’s a bad thing, Mom?” asked Vicky, smiling.


6. What happened at the beginning of the story?

A. Vicky made a mess in her room. B. Vicky was late for school again.

C. Vicky had a fight with her brother. D. Vicky failed her geography  test.

7. What surprised the students in Mr. Miller’s class?

A. Hurricanes can be stopped. B. Hurricanes can cause earthquakes.

C. Hurricanes can be good things. D. Hurricanes can destroy the  environment.

8. How would Vicky’s mother feel at the end of the story?

A. Worried. B. Tired. C. Relaxed. D. Pleased.

9. What can we learn from the story?

A. Do as what your teachers tell you.

B. Keep doing what you like till success.

C. Put what you have learned into practice.

D. Ask your parents before making a decision.

10. What is the best title for the text?

A. Tiger Mother B. Hurricane Vicky

C. Patient Father D. Knowledgeable Teacher


An old saying used for forecasting (预测) the weather says, “Red sky at  night, sailors’ delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors (水手) take warning.” Is  the saying true? It turns out that it is. A red sky at sunset may mean that  there are clear skies to the west, where the sun sets. A red sky at sunrise  usually means that the clear weather has already passed, so storms might be  coming.

Forecasting the weather has been practiced for thousands of years. In the  5th century BC, the Greeks sent out forecasts to sailors. They used signs in  nature to forecast the weather. But today, meteorologists send exact forecasts  further in advance (提前). They use scientific instruments to study weather  conditions around the world and make forecasts. Pilots, farmers and many other  people depend on these forecasts. Luckily, most of us can simply look on the  smart phone or turn on the TV to find out what kind of weather is coming.

If you are looking for some signs of the weather, pay attention to nature.  There are two basic rules used in weather forecasting: Weather generally moves  from west to east, and low air pressure (压力) usually means rain or snow. So pay  attention to the signs. If rainbows form in the west at sunrise, the sun is on  the way. Smell the flowers—their smells are stronger in wet air. What are the  ants doing? Are they moving to higher ground? This could mean a drop in air  pressure. Are the birds flying low or high? Falling air pressure may influence  birds’ ears, so they fly low. And if the sky is red at sunset, you might plan a  picnic for the next day!


11. What is the old saying about?

A. The beauty of sunrise. B. The night sky.

C. The signs of the weather. D. The sailors’ work.

12. What does the underlined word “meteorologists” mean?

A. The persons who give daily weather reports on TV.

B. The persons who carry out research on natural history.

C. The persons who take an interest in plants and animals.

D. The persons who do scientific studies of weather conditions.

13. How does the writer develop his idea in Paragraph 2?

A. By listing the reasons for terrible weather.

B. By telling a true story about weather forecasting.

C. By introducing different ways of forecasting the weather.

D. By mentioning the difficulties in forecasting the weather.

14. What do we know from the last paragraph?

A. It’ll be sunny if ants move to higher places.

B. The smells of flowers are stronger in wet air.

C. Birds fly higher because of the low air pressure.

D It’ll rain if rainbows form in the west at sunrise.

15. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To encourage people to get close to nature.

B. To express the need for weather forecasting.

C. To explain nature can tell us about the weather.

D. To discuss how important weather forecasting is.


Some of the jobs which were common fifty years ago are almost not seen now,  and some that are popular today may disappear in twenty years. ____16____

Space tour guide

People have been expecting an exciting travel in space. ____17____ Anyone  who wants to see the Sun rising and setting over the Earth will be able to take  trips to space. And for a trip of this kind, travelers will need a tour  guide—someone who can explain to them what they are seeing and help keep them  safe. ____18____

AI psychologist (心理学家)

AI is used for more and more practical work. And machines will become more  humanlike. ____19____ An AI psychologist would need to understand about both  psychology and technology. It would be this person’s job to make sure that  future supercomputers worked well.

Human-technology integration (融合) specialist

With all the new technologies on offer, people may need help to understand  and use them. So human-technology integration specialists might be very  important. ____20____ They would look at all the technologies a person could use  and advise on the best ones and how to get the most out of them.


A. It will soon come true for many people.

B. They will need engineers for their “minds”.

C. They could teach others how to use future technologies.

D. So have you ever wondered what future jobs might be wanted?

E. The person who will do this job has to be a good communicator.



Last night, Frank had a dream about the coming math test, which troubled  him very much these days. So he was in a ____21____ mood (心情) when he woke  up.

Uncle Robin once told Frank about “white noise”—noise made by a fan or soft  rain is a (n) ____22____ of white noise. Frank had tried it and it really  worked! After that, whenever he felt worried about something, he would  ____23____ white noise with his headphones.

With the ____24____ of the math test still in his mind, Frank went to get  his headphones. He ____25____ he had left them on his desk, but they were gone.  His little brother Andy was always ____26____ his things—without asking. He ran  into his brother’s room and started shouting at him in ____27____. “Where are my  headphones? You can’t just take my things! Or I’ll take yours!” He grabbed (抓起)  one of his brother’s toys and ____28____ it on the ground, breaking it into two  pieces. Andy started to ____29____, and Frank stormed out, feeling better.

Frank’s mom heard the shouting and went into Andy’s room. “Hey,” she said  ____30____, “stop for a second and tell me how you’re feeling.” Mom never  shouted. Frank knew that she thought it was better to talk about ____31____  instead of getting angry.

“He always does this, Mom!” Frank shouted. “I’ll have a math test…and…and I  had a bad dream …” Frank ____32____ shouting. In a calm (平静的) voice, he said, “I  ___33___ what I did was bad. I’m sorry, Andy. I really get mad ____34____ you  take things without asking, but breaking your toy wasn’t ____35____. I will buy  you a new one.”

Frank’s mom said, “Well done, Frank, and, Andy, ask first next time,  OK?”

“OK, I’m sorry too,” said Andy and they all smiled.

21. A. bad B. cheerful C. playful D. strange

22. A. list B. gift C. example D. introduction

23. A. talk about B. listen to C. turn down D. wait for

24. A. results B. thoughts C. prizes D. purposes

25. A. expected B. decided C. discovered D. remembered

26. A. repairing B. cleaning C. breaking D. borrowing

27. A. anger B. fear C. shame D. surprise

28. A. tied B. burnt C. threw D. placed

29. A. cry B. rest C. help D. share

30. A. sadly B. shyly C. softly D. bravely

31. A. dreams B. habits C. choices D. feelings

32. A. kept B. stopped C. enjoyed D. practiced

33. A. wish B. know C. hear D. promise

34. A. unless B. before C. when D. though

35. A. right B. easy C. enough D. crazy




sell  he and rock popular movie need catch great about

Have you ever heard of Bao Zheng or Bao Qingtian? Today, I’m going to tell  you a story about Bao, which is ____36____ among Chinese people.

A young boy made a living by ____37____ fried dough sticks (油条) in the  market. One day he fell asleep on a ____38____ after he got 100 copper coins.  When he woke up, he found ____39____ coins were gone. The boy cried because the  money was ____40____ to pay for the medical treatment of his sick mother.

Bao happened to pass through the market. After knowing ____41____ the  situation, he ordered everyone in the market to put a coin into a basin (盆)  filled with water. When a coin created an oil bloom (油花) in the water, Bao  ____42____ the man who dropped the coin and told everyone that he stole the  boy’s coins. Bao explained, “The boy was the only one who sold oily products in  the market ____43____ the man’s coin was the only one that created an oil bloom  in the basin.”

Many of the stories about Bao were made into some ____44____, novels,  operas and so on. Today Bao is still considered as one of the ____45____  officials in history and is loved by Chinese people.



Reading Worksheet


What doyouthinkofthestory?

The BoyWhoCriedWolf

This isawonderfulstoryeveryoneshouldknow.We’resupposedtokeepinmindthat it____46____ importanttotellthetruth.

The UglyDuckling

I likeit!Thismightbe____47____ mostfamousshortstoryofall.Ittellsus thatweshouldbeproud____48____ whoweare,evenifwedon’tlookorfeel likeeveryoneelse.

Stone Soup

It isaninterestingstory____49____ teachesustoworktogetherandshare.I wonderwhatmyfriendswouldbringtoputinthepot() ofsoupiftheywereinthestory.Youcanalsoaskyourfriends____50____ thinkaboutit.Theiranswersmightbe fun!



(Tony is talking about the coming summer vacation with his classmate, Li  Hua.)

A: Hi, Tony! You look excited!

B: You know what? I am looking forward to the summer vacation. But I  haven’t decided where to go yet. ___51___?

A: Ummm... Let me see. ___52___?

B: Your hometown?

A: Yes. It is Xinxian.

B: ___53___?

A: It is in the south of Henan Xinxian is a good place with mountain s and  rivers. It’s famous as the county of the generals (将军县).

B: ___54___. Anything more?

A: Some villages are worth visiting. With the help of the government, great  changes have taken place in many old villages. They receive a lot of visitors  every year.

B: Great! Thank you for your advice.

A: ___55___.


56. 在日常学习中,有的学生喜欢独自学习,有的则喜欢和大家一起学习。你更喜欢哪一种学习方式?校刊英语专栏正在以“Studying alone or  studying with a  group?”为题开展征文活动,请你根据写作要求,结合自身实际,从以下两种学习方式中任选其一,用英语写一篇短文,陈述你的理由,向专栏投稿。

Studying alone

Studying withagroup

solve problemsonmyown

get helpfromothers

keep mymindonschoolwork

share ideaswithgroupmembers





Studying alone or studying with a group?

Some students like to study alone. Others enjoy studying with a  group.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________









1.Where does the girl want to go?

A.To a hospital. B.To a bookstore. C.To a library.

2.What’s Mary’s favorite subject?

A.English. B.History. C.Science.

3.How was the weather last Sunday?

A.Rainy. B.Windy. C.Snowy.

4.Whose birthday is on Friday?

A.Helen’s. B.Bruce’s. C.Maggie’s.

5.What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son. B.Doctor and patient. C.Classmates.




6.What does the woman order?

A.Beef and vegetables. B.Chicken and beef. C.Fish and vegetables.

7.How much does the meal cost?

A.35yuan B.45yuan. C.55yuan.


8.What does the boy want to do this summer?

A.Climb a mountain. B.Take a cooking class. C.Learn a language.

9.What is the girl’s advice?

A.To do some reading. B.To do some exercise. C.To do some shopping.


10.Where will the activity be?

A.In a middle school. B.In the art center. C.In the old people’s home.

11.What will the students do there?

A.Tell stories. B.Sing songs. C.Put on a play.

12.How long will the activity last?

A.For 2 hours. B.For 3 hours. C.For 4 hours.


13.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A plan. B.A game. C.An invitation.

14.How will they go there?

A.By bike. B.By car. C.By bus.

15.What should the boy take with him?

A.A camera. B.An umbrella. C.An ID card.



16.______ 17.______ 18.______ 19.______ 20.______





【答案】1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A



【答案】6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B



【答案】11. C 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. C



【答案】16. D 17. A 18. E 19. B 20. C



【答案】21. A 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. D 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. B  33. B 34. C 35. A




【答案】36. popular

37. selling

38. rock 39. his

40. needed 41. about

42. caught 43. and

44 movies 45. greatest



【答案】46. is 47. the

48. of 49. that##which

50. to



【答案】51. Can/Could you give me some advice

Can/Could you help me

Any places to suggest

Any suggestions/advice/ideas

What’s your advice/suggestion/idea

Do you have any suggestions/advice/ideas

Have you got any suggestions/advice/ideas

… 52. What/How about (going to) my hometown

Why don’t you go to my hometown

Why not go to my hometown

Would you like to go to my hometown

… 53. Where is it

Where is Xinxian

Where is your hometown

… 54. Sounds great/good

Sounds like a good idea/place


I’ve never heard of it

I see

… 55. You’re welcome

That’s all right

No problem

Not at all

It’s a pleasure/My pleasure



【答案】Possible version 1:

Studying alone or studying with a group?

Some students like to study alone. Others enjoy studying with a group. As  for me, I like studying alone better.

Firstly, studying alone helps me learn to solve problems on my own. Most of  the time, I need to think hard about them all by myself. So my thinking ability  is improved at the same time. Secondly, when I study alone, I can keep my mind  on what I’m doing. With a clear head, I am able to finish my homework quickly.  In this way, I will gradually develop a good learning habit.

I think studying alone is really a good way and it will benefit me a lot in  my life.

Possible version 2:

Studying alone or studying with a group?

Some students like to study alone. Others enjoy studying with a group. As  for me, I prefer to study with a group.

As the saying goes, “Two heads are better than one.” With a group, I can  learn a lot from others. Whenever I have some questions, they are always ready  to help. With their help, I become more and more confident in my study. Also,  when I study with my classmates, we can discuss whatever puzzles me face to  face. Through discussion, we can share different ideas and get to know more  about each other.

All in all, I think studying with a group provides many chances to improve  myself and helps me to be a better person.




例:A talk (give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。



(1) 当遇到一个需要填的词时,首先要考虑这个词在句子中的成分是什么?词性是什么?

(2) 如果需要填的是名词,就要考虑名词的单复数和所有格形式。

(3) 如果需要填的是形容词或副词,就应考虑是用原级或是比较级,还是最高级。

(4) 如果需要填的是动词,则要考虑动词的时态,语态,人称变化,语气以及非谓语动词(不定式和动词-ing形式)的一般式,被动式和完成式等。



例:There are many students living at school,the(child) houses are all far from schoo1.

由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式—— 复数的所有格children’s。


① 给出的提示词是名词:要考虑是否填名词的复数形式以及该名词的形容词、副词形式。

② 给出的提示词是动词:要认真分析句子的结构,理解句子的意思。

a. 如果填空处是谓语,要考虑时态、语态和动词的第三人称单数;

b. 如果填空处是非谓语,根据对句子成分的分析和对语境的理解,要考虑填to do、doing还是done


c. 在平时的模拟题中,有时还要根据句意填写该动词的名词形式,甚至是形容词或者副词形式。


