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Unit 5

Do you have a soccer ball?


1.打网球play tennis

2.踢足球play soccer

3.乒乓球拍a ping-pong bat

4.有个篮球have a basketball

5.迟到be late

6.两个球拍two bats

7.打篮球play basketball

8.在我的包里in my bag

9.听起来不错sounds good

10.一本有趣的书an interesting book

11.看电视watch TV

12.玩电子游戏play computer games

13.进行体育运动do/play sports

14.同一所学校(in)the same school

15.课后after class

16.放学后after school

17.在电视上观看体育运动 watch sports on TV


1.—Do you have a ping-pong ball?—你有乒乓球吗?

—No, I don’t.—不,我没有。

2.Let’s play basketball.让我们打篮球吧。

3.That sounds good .那听起来不错/很好。

4.That sounds interesting .听起来很有趣。

5.Volleyball is so difficult.排球是那么困难。

6.I love sports, but I don’t play them —I only watch them on TV !


7.I play ping-pong with my classmates after class .


Unit 6

Do you like bananas?


1.bread 一片面包 a piece of bread two pieces of bread

2.Let’s have some bread.

3.have / eat breakfast / lunch/dinner 早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

4.That’s all right.= That’s OK.没关系

All right.= OK 好的 That’s right.= It’s right.那是对的

You are right. 你是对的。the right answer 正确的

5.healthy food 健康食品

6.a healthy eating habit 健康的饮食习惯

7.keep healthy = stay healthy = keep in good health保持健康

8.Let’s = let us.让我们。Let’s do sth让我们做某事

9.think about考虑

10.How about = What about,...怎么样?后面可以接名词或动名词。

11.different kinds of foods不同种类的食物

12.after dinner晚饭后

13.ask sb.about sth.询问某人有关某事。

ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物 ask sb.(not) to do sth.要求某人做某事

14.want (sb.) to do sth.想要(某人)做某事


1.Do you like bananas?你喜欢香蕉吗?Yes, I do./No, I don’t

2.John’s birthday dinner is next week.约翰的生日晚宴在下周。

3.Let’s think about the food.让我们考虑一下食品吧。

4.How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit?汉堡包、蔬菜萨拉和水果怎么样?

5.Let’s have strawberries and apples then.那么,让我们吃草莓和苹果吧。

6.Sports Star Eats Well!体育明星吃得好。

7.David asks the volleyball star, Cindy Smith, about her eating habits.大卫问这位排球明星辛迪史密斯有关她的饮食习惯。

8.What do you like for breakfast.你早餐喜欢(吃)什么?

9.… one last question--- do you eat ice-cream after dinner.一个最后的问题,你晚饭后吃冰淇淋吗?

10.I don’t want to be fat.我不想变胖。

11.I like fruit, but I don't like vegetables. 我喜欢水果,但我不喜欢蔬菜。

12.What food/sports/ colors do you like and dislike? 你喜欢的或者不喜欢的食物/运动/颜色是什么?

Unit 7

How much are these socks?


1.how much 多少钱

2.seven dollars 7美元

3.white bag 白色的包

4.clothes store 服装店

5.at very good price 以很低的价格

6.for boys 对于男孩子

7.shirts in red 红色的裙子

8.twenty-eight dollars 28美元

9.Big Sale!大降价

10.twenty yuan 20元

11.a pair of black shoes 一双黑色的鞋子

12.buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.买某物给某人

13.sell sb.sth.= sell sth.to sb.卖某物给某人


1.—How much is this T-shirt?=What’s the price of this T-shirt? 这件T恤衫多少钱?

—It’s seven dollars. 7美元。

2.—How much are these socks? 这些短袜多少钱?—They’re two dollars. 2美元。

3.—Can / May I help you?=What can I do for you? 我能帮你吗?(你想要买点什么吗?)

—Yes, please.是的

4.I want/need a sweater.=I want to buy a sweater.我想买一件毛衣。

5.I’ll take it/them.我要买它(们)。

6.Here you are.给你。

7.The price of the watch is low/high.手表的价格是低的/高的`。

8.Here is a pair of shoes.这儿有双鞋。

9.We sell pants for only 30 yuan.我们的长裤只卖30元。

10.What color do you want 你想要什么颜色?

11.How much询问价格

(1)询问单数不可数物品: How much is the/this + 单数名词? 回答: It’s + 价格.

(2)询问复数物品: How much are the / these / those + 复数名词? 回答:They’re + 价格.

(3)What's the price of…?It's…

—What's the price of that book?那本书多少钱?—It's fifteen yuan.15元。

—What's the price of the books?那些书多少钱?—It's fifty yuan.50元。

12.Thank you / Thank you very much / Thanks / Thanks a lot / Many thanks.非常感谢

That’s all right / That’s OK./ Not at all./ You’re welcome./ Don’t mention it.不用谢

13.Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!快来买,我店服装大减价!

Unit 8

When is your birthday?


1.your mother's birthday 你 妈妈的生日

2.October tenth十月十号

3.date of birth出生日期,生日

4.how old 多大(岁数)

an Art Festival艺术节

6. school trip 学校旅行;郊游

7.birthday party生日聚会

8.basketball game篮球赛

9.School Day校庆

10.an English Party英语晚会

11.Music Festival音乐节

12.in August在八月

13.at three this afternoon.在今天下午三点

14.have a good / nice trip.祝你旅行愉快

15.be busy with sth.be busy doing sth忙于做某事


1.When is your birthday, Linda? My birthday is on May 2nd.你的生日在什么时候,琳达?我的生日在5月2号。

2.When is your mother's birthday? 你 妈妈的生日是什么时候?

3.DATE OF BIRTH: March 21st. 出生日期:三月二十一日。

4.How old are you? 你多大了? I'm fifteen. 我十五岁了。

6.When is Sally's birthday party? 萨丽的生日派对是什么时候?

7.When is the school trip? 学校郊游在什么时候?

8.Do you have a School Day at your school? 你们学校有校庆日吗?

9.Do you have an Art Festival? 你们举行艺术节吗?

10.Do you want to come to my birthday party?你想来参加我的生日晚会吗?

11.对星期几提问:What day is (it)today? It’s Friday.

对日期提问:What’s the date today? It’s November 11th,2013.

既有星期,又有日期:What is today? It’s Friday, November 11th,2013.

12.We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.这学期我们为你们安排了一些有趣又好玩的东西。

13.This is a really busy term.这真是忙碌的一个学期。


1、 感叹句结构:

What + a/an + 形容词 + 名词 +(主+谓)! How + 形容词+(主+谓)! 例如:What a beautiful girl she is!

= How beautiful the girl is!

2、learn:学习的过程 study:学习的结果

3、play in the snow:打雪仗

4、make a snowman:堆雪人

5、tell sb about sth:告诉某人关于...

6、pick up:捡起 拿起 7、at Christmas:在圣诞节

8、— Merry Christmas!— The same to you!

9、It one’s turn to do sth: 该轮到某人做某事了

10、on Spring Festival:在春节

11、on rainy days:在雨天



在英语里面,名词分可数名词(countable noun)和不可数名词(uncountable noun)。不可数名词没有单复数之分,用时只当单数词用;可数名词有单复数之分,一个的前面要用a或an,eg: a pencil, a basketball, a dictionary, an egg, an ID card,而复数即两个或两个以上的要作相应的变化,情况如下:









(5) 特殊词,特殊变化,需单独记:




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