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① be on fire 在燃烧

② set fire to sth = set sth on fire 纵火,放火烧

③ catch fire 着火

④ make a fire 生火

⑤ light a fire 点火

⑥ put out a fire 灭火

⑦ play with fire 玩火;冒险

⑧ be on fire for 因……而激动;充满激情

⑨ be full of fire 充满激情

⑩ under fire 受到攻击

[例句] The students are on fire for what they're learning in the computer class. 学生对电脑课的学习内容充满激情。

The boy is full of fire. 这孩子充满热情。

The grass caught fire.and the grass was on fire for a

short time. 草燃着了,草烧了一会儿。

He who plays with fire gets burned. 玩火者必_(谚语)。

▲辨析: be on fire 表示状态。而 catch fire 则表示动作-其完成时不可和段时间状语连用。



① turn out 生产;结果是

② turn down 关小(灯光、音量等);拒绝

③ turn to 转向;求助于

④ turn up 开大(灯光、音量等);出现,露面

⑤ turn on / off 打开/关上

⑥ turn aside 闪开;放在一边

⑦ turn over (使)翻转;把某人交给(警方等)

⑧ turn in 上缴;移交

⑨ turn against 背叛

⑩ turn away (from) 转过脸不看

⑩ turn round 转过去

[例句]She turned out six full-length novels in her life.她一生写了6部长篇小说。

The beggar turned out (to be) a thief. 那个乞丐原来是个贼。

That radio is pretty loud. Can you turn it down a little?


Many boys expressed their love to Mary, but she

turned them all down. 许多男孩向玛丽表达爱慕之意,但都被她拒绝了。

After he left the university he became a teacher, but later he turned to translation. 他大学毕业后当了教师,但后来转而从事翻译工作。

We often turn to this handbook for information. 我们经常查阅这本手册寻找资料。

He promised to come, but hasn't turned up yet. 他答应来,但尚未到。

When he felt tired, he turned aside (from) his books to listen to the radio. 感到疲劳时,他就把书放在一边去听收音机。


1.English is a widely used language.

2.He threw away the broken cup.

3.This is one of the schools built in 1980s.

4.Prices of daily goods bought through a computer can be lower than store prices.



spoken English

= English which is spoken

terrified people

= the people who are terrified

an organized way

= a way that is organized

affected area 灾区

= the area which is affected

stolen culture relics

= culture relics that had been stolen

the book recommended by the teacher

= the book which was recommended by the teacher

printed articles

= articles that are printed

1) Doctor John Snow was a well-known doctor in London. 定语

2) John Snow told the astonished people in Broad Street. 定语

3) He got interested in the two theories. 表语

4) Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood 表语

Past Participle as the Attribute定语 Past Participle as the Predicative表语

1.terrified people1.people who are terrified

2.reserved seats2.seats that are reserved

3.polluted water3.water that is polluted

4.a crowded room4.a room that is crowded

5.a pleased winner5.a winner that is pleased

6. Astonished children6.children who look astonished

7.a broken vase 7.a vase that is broken

8.a closed door8.a door that is closed

9.the tired audience9.the audience who feel tired

10.a trapped animal10.an animal that is trapped

There are many fallen leaves on the ground.

= There are many leaves which had fallen on the ground. (地上有许多落叶)

Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing.

= Some of them , who had been born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing.



polluted water

= water which is polluted

reserved seats

= the seats which were reserved

trapped animal

= the animal which was trapped


boiled water

= water which has boiled

fallen leaves

= the leaves which have fallen

risen sun

= the sun which has risen


The books, written by Guo Jingming, are very popular with teenagers. 这些书是郭敬明写的,深受青少年的喜爱。

Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never been to Beijing. 他们中的一些人,在农村出生并长大,从没过北京.

The book _written by the farmer (一本农民写的书) is very popular.

The building built last year (去年建的楼房) now collapsed in the Wenchuan earthquake.

The problem discussed at the meeting yesterday (在昨天会议上讨论的) was very difficult to solve.

The window broken by that naughty boy被那个顽皮男孩打破的) is being repaired.

The children examined in the hospital yesterday昨天在医院检查的) were seriously ill.

The people exposed to the sun (暴露在阳光下的) got sunburnt.

The boy punished severely by the teacher (受到老师严厉惩罚的) is now a college student.

The water delivered to his home (送到他家的水) carried disease.

The English today is quite different from the English spoken in the past 300 years (300年前所说的).

Most of the artists invited to the party (被邀请去参加聚会的) were from South Africa.

The students inspired by the teacher (受到老师鼓舞的)worked harder than ever before.

The Olympic Games, __A_ in 776 B.C. did not include women players until 1912.

A. first played B. to be first played

C. first playing D. to be first playing




first played in 776B.C. = which was first played in 776 B.C.

Consolidation 巩固


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★ 高二英语期末考试试卷及答案


