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例如:Local bands provide music for dancing. 当地的乐队为跳舞伴乐。

keep one’s mind保持头脑清醒

例如:Keep your mind awake and active.

lose one’s balance失去平衡

例如:How long can you stand on one leg before you lose your balance?


on balance 总的来说

例如:I think on balance he gets more right than he gets wrong.



1. The French writer Jules Verne wrote famous books, such as 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 days.法国作家儒勒?凡尔纳写了很多书籍,比如《海底两万里》和《八十天环游地球》。

(1)Jules Verne 儒勒?凡尔纳。法国科学幻想家和冒险小说家。

(2)such as

①like; for example 像;诸如;例如 eg:

Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.


②everything that凡是 eg:

Such as remains after tax will be yours when I die.


(3)league [li g] n.

① former measure of distance (about 3 miles or 4.8 km) 里格(旧时长度单位,约3英里或4.8公里)。 eg:

The horse can run 50 leagues a day. 这匹马一天能跑240公里。

②group of people or countries combined for a particular purpose 联盟;同盟 eg:

The League of Nations is an international organization.


2. Try the small science quiz below to see if you know any better. 试试下面的科学小测验,看看你是否了解得多些。

any better 更好

any [′anI] adv. (used with faster, slower, better, etc. , in questions and after if/whether 用于疑问句中,与faster, slower, better等连用;用于if/whether之后)to any degree; at all在任何程度上;丝毫 eg:

I can’t run any faster. 我无法跑得更快了。

Is your father any better? 你父亲有所好转了吗?

3. What is the distance from the earth to the moon? 地球到月球的距离是多少?

(1) distance [′dIst ns] n. [C, U]

① (amount of) space between two points or places 距离;间距

A good cyclist can cover a distance of over a hundred miles a day.


②distant place or point 远处;远方 eg:

At a distance of six miles you can’t see much.


(2) at a distance (稍)远处,表示一定的距离,近距离或用以说明具体的距离,其不定冠词a有时可以略去或改用some。 eg:

This picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画远看就好些。

(3) in the distance (far away) 在(较)远处,强调距离之远。 eg:

They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.


(4) keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离;不愿与某人亲近 eg:

He always keeps anyone at a distance. 他总是不愿与任何人亲近:

4. How fast does a balloon travel? How about an airplane? How about a space shuttle?


(1)ballon [b ′lu n] ①n. brightly-coloured rubber bag that is filled with air, used as a child’s toy or a decoration(用作玩具或装饰品的)气球 eg:

They bought their son a lot of balloons yesterday.


②v. swell out like a balloon 如气球一般膨胀 eg:

Her skirt ballooned in the wind. 她的裙子让风吹得鼓起来了。

③go ballooning 乘气球 eg:

They like to go ballooning at weekends. 他们周末喜欢乘气球玩。

(2)How/What about …?……怎么样?常常用来打听消息或提出建议,征求对方意见,后接名词,代词或动名词。 eg:

How about your mother? Does she feel better today?


(3)space shuttle—spacecraft designed for repeated use, eg between earth and a space station or the moon 航天飞机;太空穿梭机 eg:

I have never seen a space shuttle. 我从未看见过航天飞机。


1. Practise making suggestions and expressing opinions. 练习提出建议并发表观点。(p. 17 Goals 2)

practise vt. 练习

practise后面的动词一般要用-ing形式。类似practise这种接动词-ing形式作宾语的动词还有:finish, enjoy, mind, give up, can't help, suggest, keep等。如:① I practise playing the piano every day. 我每天练习弹钢琴。② She had finished writing the letter when I went in. 我进去时她已写完信了。③He enjoys skating very much. 他非常喜欢溜冰。④ Do you mind closing the window? 请你把窗

户关上好吗? ⑤ Mary couldn't help laughing at Tom's joke. 对于Tom的玩笑,Mary忍不住笑了。

拓展:practice n. in practice实际上put sth. into practice将...付诸实施

2. Fill one glass with fresh water and another glass with salt water. 在一个玻璃杯里装满淡水另一个玻璃杯里装满盐水。( p.17 Warming up No.4)

fill的用法 (1) 使满;填满 He filled the bath with water. 他把浴缸装满水。(2) 占有(地位),任(职位) The position of the principal is not yet filled. 校长的职位还空着。(3) 供应(需求) ① His answer did not fill our need. 他的回答无法满足我们的要求。② Fill in your telephone number. 请填写你的电话号码。③ The room was filled with laughter. 房间里充满了笑声。④ I have filled up the bottle. 我把瓶子装满了。

拓展:fill in填写(事项,表格等) fill...with...把......装满 be filled with = be full of充满 fill up 装满;填写(= fill in)

3. What can we do to protect the water on our planet? 我们能做些什么来保护我们这个星球上的水呢?(p.17 倒数第1行)

protect保护,防御 常与介词against (from)连用,译为"保护......免遭"。① He is wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight. 他戴着太阳镜以挡强烈的阳光。② The heavy rain kept us from going out. 大雨使我们无法出去。

注意:stop (prevent)...from doing中from可省去;keep...from doing中from不可省。

拓展:keep...from...阻止(妨碍)...做...= stop... (from)... = prevent ... from ...

4. Who tells the story in the poem?谁讲了这首诗里的故事? ( p.18 Part 1 No. 1)


(1) tell + n.(人) + n. = tell + n. + to + n. (人) Did you tell your parents the news? =Did you tell the news to your parents? 你把这消息告诉你父母了吗?

(2) tell + n. (人) + (that)/wh... ① He told me(that)he would be back in an hour. 他告诉我,一个小时内他就回来。② He told her what had happened. 他告诉她发生了什么事。

(3) tell + n. (人) + of (about) He told me of (about) his worries.他告诉我他的烦恼。


tell + n. + from + n. 辨别......和...... all told总共

Don't tell me! 不至于吧! I (can) tell you. 的确,真的

There is no telling. 不得而知;很难说。

to tell the truth 老实说

① It's sometimes hard to tell one twin from the other. 双胞胎有时很难分辨。② All told, there were 350 people killed in the plane crash. 那次坠机事件中总共有350人丧生。③Don't tell me you are going back to your hometown.你不至于要回到你的故乡吧。④It's a wonderful invention, I (can) tell you. 那的确是个了不起的发明。⑤ There is no telling where he is. 无法知道他到底在哪里。


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