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课题: Unit1 Festivals around world




1)。To get the students to talk about festivals

2)。 To learn about how festivals begin and howto celebrate festivals so as to enable them to learn more about differentcultures while learning different language 。



festival, celebrate, celebration, lunar, takeplace, on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, beauty, harvest, relatives,custom, admire, decorate, origin, separate, dress up, parking lot, luck money,family reunion, get together, Christmas,solar calendar, carnival, parade,Christian, Easter, Lantern Festival, Arbor Day, Pure Brightness Day, JesusChrist, the Easter Bunny, hot cross buns, the best bands

Sentence structures: (句子)

1)、Festivals are meant to celebrateimportant times of year。

2)、Discuss when they take place, whatthey celebrate and what people do at that time。

3)、Cara suggests that Li Mei change hershoes to something more fortable, wear some lighter and cooler clothing andalso take a hat。

4)、Easter customs include making andeating hot cross buns, coloring and searching for eggs supposedly hidden by theEaster


Letstudents to know how to get the key words from the conversation about thecarnival parade, and how to talk about sth。 happened。


Letstudents to know and pare Chinese festivals and customs with westernfestivals and customs。


1、How to talk about the Chinesefestivals and social customs at festivals。

2、How to get the key words tounderstand the conversation about the carnival parade, to talk about sth。happened。


Step 1 Warming up

Step 2 Pre-reading

Lookat the pictures and discuss in pairs what kind of information you think will beintroduced in the passage。

Step 3 Reading and prehending

1。Ask the students to skim the passage and find out what festivals are mentionedin each paragraph。

Paragraph 1:__________________

Paragraph 2:__________________

Paragraph3: __________________

Paragraph4: __________________

Paragraph5: __________________


Paragraph1: Ancient festivals: celebrate the end of the winter, planting in spring andharvest in autumn; celebrate when hunters catch animals。

Paragraph 2: Day of the Dead;Halloween。

Paragraph3: Dragon Boat Festival; Columbus Day; October 2。

Paragraph 4: Harvest andThanksgiving festivals;


Paragraph5: Spring Festival; Carnival; Easter;

Cherry Blossom Festival。

2。 Read the passage carefully and answerthe true or false questions。

( ) 1)、The ancient people needn't worry about their food。

( ) 2)、Halloween used to be a festival intended to honor the dead。

( ) 3)、Mohandas Gandhi helped gain India's independence from the USA。

( ) 4)、ThanksgivingDay is held to celebrate harvest。

( ) 5)、Eastercelebrates the birth of Jesus。

Suggested answers:

1)F 2)T 3)F 4)T 5)F

3。 Work in pairs。 Imagine that somestudents are celebrating a festival。 Use the information given in the text tohelp them make up a dialogue。

Step 4 Language study

Dealing with some language problems to helpthe students to have a better understanding of the text。

1。 At that time people would starve if foodwas difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months。

2。Some festivals are held to honor the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, whomight return either to help or to do harm。

3。 The country, covered with cherry treeflowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow。

Step 5 Study the text

1。 Find out a sentence in the text whichhas a similar meaning with the following one。

As long as the neighbors don't give anysweets, the children will make a fool of them。

2。 Translate the followingsentence。

Itis now a children's festival, when they can dress up and go to theirneighbour's homes to ask for sweets。

Step 6 Listening, reading aloud and underlining

Ask the students to read the passage aloudto the tape and let them pay attention to the pronunciation of each word andthe pauses within each sentence。 Tell them to pick out all the usefulexpressions or collocations from the passage while reading and copy them intothe notebook after class as homework。

Step 7 Groupwork

Discussin pairs which festivals you think are the most important and which are themost fun。 Then fill in the chart with your ideas。

Type of festival

Example of festival

Reasons for your choice

Most important

Most fun。

Step 8 Retelling

Let the students try to retell the passageaccording to the key words and expressions given on the blackboard。

Step 9 Homework

1。 Findout useful words and expressions, beautiful sentences and finish the exercisesin Learning about Language accordingly。

2。 Write an introduction of the festivalyour group have created。




Teaching aims and demands:

1. Enable students to understand the passage better.

2. Develop students' listening, reading, writing and thinking ability.

3. Enable the students to prepare and present an oral report on a Chinese medicine.

Teaching Approaches:

Task-based approaches

Form of Activities:

Individual, pair or group work and topic discussions.

Teaching Aids:

The multimedia and the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision


1.麻疹 7.流感

2.疟疾 8.病房

3.水痘 9.糖尿病

4.中风 10.霍乱

5.伤寒 11.急诊室

6.诊室 12.重症监护室

Step 2Lead-in

1. Show a picture of acupuncture treatment on the screen and ask the students a question:

Have you ever experienced an acupuncture treatment?

2. Show another two pictures about different tools used for acupuncture treatment in the past and now.

Step 3 Fast Reading

1.Scan the text and find which of the topics is not mentioned: history, past uses, current uses, disadvantages in the West, benefits and disadvantages

(The disadvantages of Chinese disadvantages are not mentioned.)

2. What medical problems can acupuncture treat?

Bad pains, headaches, injuries, stomach problems, blood pressure problems, addiction to cigarettes, drugs, alcohol and food.

3. How does acupuncture reduce or relieve pain?

It is unclear now. One theory suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the spinal cord or brain. Another theory suggests acupuncture promotes the production of chemicals in the body which reduces pain.

Step 4 Further Reading

1. Listening for further informationPara 11. Ask the students the main idea of the paragraph.

(The history of Chinese acupuncture).

2. Ask the students to retell the history of Chinese acupuncture (magic needles).

began-the Stone Age

be practised-4,000 years

be developed-2,000 years agoParas 2 -31. Ask the students the main idea of the paragraph.

(The development of Chinese acupuncture).

2. Ask the students to retell the development of Chinese acupuncture.

In the pastNowadaysstone or pottery needles

metal needles

make holes on swollen areas

put needles into the skin at certain points

365 acupuncture points

about 2,000 acupuncture pointsPara 5Ask some questions in detail:

1. How does an acupuncturist examine a patient?

(First ask the patient's medical history and lifestyle. And then look at the color of the patient's skin and tongue, listen to his breathing and check his pulses.)

2. How many pulses are there and what are they connected with?

(There're twelve different pulses, six on each wrist. Every one is connected with a major body organ or function of an organ.)

3. Why will an acupuncturist check pulses?

(This will help him/her find out which energy channel doesn't have enough energy.)

Step 6 More information

Show some pictures on the screen to introduce more information about Chinese acupuncture.

1. Different tools for acupuncture

2. Now it is popular that acupuncture is used to help people lose weight .

3. The traditional Chinese acupuncture is becoming more and more popular with foreigners. For example, Oscar king Adrien Brody was keen to try acupuncture treatment. William's hair is becoming less and less. He is eager to try Chinese acupuncture treatment.

4. Dae jang Deum in the TV play series once used acupuncture to treat patients. But some experts said the plot was not true.

5. Pets also follow the fashion.

Step 7 Discussion

1. What are your thoughts on acupuncture?

2. What are the possible benefits or disadvantages of acupuncture over other treatments?

Step 6 Homework

1. Write an article about traditional Chinese medicine (one herb or treatment).

2. Finish the exercises of this unit.




1. Target Language 目标语


sightseeing, available, delight, tower, royal, uniform, splendid, statue, communism, thrill, pot, unfair, smart, suggestion, tense, consistent, error

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the students to write a short passage about a place of interest they have visited.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the students learn how to describe one of the places of interest they have visited.


How to describe a famous building or a place of interest.


Step Ⅰ Revision and Lead-in

Ask some students to read their work to the class.

T: As we know, advertising is very important in the business world. And nowadays, more and more ads for tourism appear on televisions, in the streets, on the buses, etc. Also, an appealing poster for a scenic spot is very important to draw visitors. So it should be written in an exciting way. In the last period, you were asked to write a poster to encourage people to visit. Now who’d like to share your work?

A sample version:

Why not visit “the Oriental Hawaii”?

Hainan Island is the second largest island in China, covering an area of 33,920 square kilometers with a history of over 6,000 years. It lies in the south of China. The Qiongzhou Strait separates the Hainan Island from the mainland. Its neighboring countries are Philippines towards the east, Malaysia and Brunei towards the south, Indonesia towards the southwest, and Vietnam towards the west. Hainan Island has a population of 7.11 million, which consists of 10 nationalities. The people there make a living by growing rice, fishing, and so on. The climate is mild all year round. Hainan is called “the Oriental Hawaii”. Every year thousands of travelers visit the island. Among the famous places of interest are Yalong Bay (No.1 in the world), Tianya-Haijiao (Corner of the Earth), Dadong Sea, Luhuitou (Turn-round Deer), Sanya Bay, Xiao Tongtian, Folk Village, etc.

Step Ⅱ Writing

Task 1: Ask the students to write a tour plan.

T: Suppose a group of foreign students are visiting our country. They will stay here for two weeks. At present they are in Shanghai. Their plan is to see at least three cities and three major scenic spots. Now please make a two-week plan for their tour. You must make sure that they can make full use of their time. Tell them what places they will see and where the various places are.

A sample tour plan:

Day 1: You will arrive in Shanghai, the city of China of 21st century. Shanghai is on the Huangpu River and also on the east coast, and has a population of more than 16 million. It is China’s most modernized city. You will have three days in Shanghai, during which time you will visit many famous scenic spots. The bund is a scenic walk along the river, and there are some temples in and around the city.

Day 4: You will travel a few kilometers by bus south-west to Hangzhou. There is a beautiful lake on the west of the city, and within a few kilometers of the city is a famous Buddhist Temple. You will have two days and two nights in Hangzhou.

Day 6: You will leave Hangzhou early in the morning for Guilin, just a short flight west of Hangzhou. You will see the Elephant Rock, in the center of the city, and then go on a boat on the beautiful Lijiang River to see the famous hills and cliffs. You will spend two days there.

Day 8: From Lijiang we fly to Xi’an, which is a few hundred kilometers away from the coast. Not far from the city you will see the world-famous Terra Cotta Warriors, and just beyond the south gate to the city is the Wild Goose Pagoda. There are some other historical attractions in Xi’an as well. You’ll have three days there.

Day 11: We leave early for the capital, Beijing, which is northeast of Xi’an. In the north of the city is the Great Wall. The Palace Museum and Tian An Men Square are in the center of the city, and the Summer Palace is a short drive to the northwest. We’ll spend two days in Beijing.

Day 14: We leave at noon for our flight south to Shanghai, then make our way home.

Task 2: Ask the students to write a complaint letter. T: When you have some problems or are not satisfied with something, you can write a complaint letter to the people who are responsible for it. Next please write a complaint letter to complain the problems or anything unsatisfactory at school or at home. Before your writing, please read the following tips carefully.

Show the following.

How to Write A Complaint Letter

· Include your name, address, home and work phone numbers.

· Type your letter if possible. If it is handwritten, make sure it is neat and easy to read.

· Make your letter brief and to the point. Include all important facts and any information you can give.

· State exactly what you want done about the problem and how long you are willing to wait to get it resolved. Be reasonable.

· Include all documents regarding your problem. Be sure to send COPIES, not originals.

· Avoid writing an angry, sarcastic, or threatening letter. The person reading your letter probably was not responsible for your problem but may be very helpful in resolving it.

· Keep a copy of the letter for your records.

Then ask the students to make a list of things that they feel are important.

T: Think of anything at school or at home that you feel very strong about. Make a list and choose the one you think is the most serious and write a letter to draw attention.

A sample list of things:

1. I have to wait too long a time being served in the canteen.

2. Several of our teachers speak in a too low voice and the students who sit behind can’t hear clearly. 3. My parents often read my diary without my permission.

4. The school demands us to wear the ugly school uniform.

The most serious one is the first one in the list.

A sample letter:

Dear Mr. Sam,

I have enjoyed eating at your restaurant the last several years. In my opinion, your hamburgers are the best in our town. I tell my friends. However, last Friday evening, I waited in a line ten people deep while we watched a lone waitress going back and forth with light running steps trying to serve too many tables. After 15 minutes and not getting seated, I decided to leave and went to another restaurant. Why not hire a second waiter or waitress? And why not enlarge your restaurant? You have available space to the east. I wish you the best with your restaurant, and I hope you resolve the problems we met.



Step Ⅲ Homework

Ask the students to do the task in PROJECT on page 54


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