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本试卷共10页, 考试用时120分钟, 满分120分。

注意事项: 1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己所在的学校、姓名、班级、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上, 将条形码横贴在每张答题卡右上角“条形码粘贴处”。

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3, 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答, 答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上; 如需改动, 先画掉原来的答案, 然后再写上新答案; 不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。

4, 考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后, 将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Languages are dying out all the time. Here are four languages that were once widely spoken but are now considered as “dead” languages.

Old Norse

Old Norse was spoken and written by the Vikings from about the 7th century. It was used in countries like Iceland and parts of Russia. The Vikings were famous for their attacks on neighbouring countries, and so Old Norse had an influence on the languages of the places they attacked, including English. For example, English words such as “egg, gift, anger, want, trust and score” come from Old Norse.

Middle English

Middle English was spoken in England between the 12th and 15th centuries and was very different from the English we use these days. In the past, England was highly influenced by Old Norse. So was its language. There are no manuscripts (手稿) in Middle English as it was much more fashionable to write in French. Middle English gave way to modern English. One example of the wide use of modern English was Shakespeare’s works.


Hunnir is the most mysterious of the languages on our list. The Huns were a community that spread across eastern Europe in the 4th and 5th centuries. Despite the Huns’ success in expanding their empire, their language was never written down. The few words that are known are mainly names-in modern Turkey and Mongolia. Apart from these, only three words are known; kamos, medos (types of drinks) and strava (a big meal).

Ancient Greek

More than 4,000 years ago, the Greeks spoke an advanced language known today as Ancient Greek, and developed the first alphabet. Indeed, the English word “alphabet” is taken from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: alpha and beta. Although the language is no longer spoken anywhere, it continues to be studied by scholars around the world and is regarded as one of the most important languages of all time.

21. Which language was spoken by the Vikings?

A. Old Norse. B. Middle English. C. Ancient Greek. D. Hunnir.

22. Why did Middle English disappear?

A. French was a popular written language then. B. Modern English replaced Middle English.

C. Shakespeare didn’t use Middle English. D. Middle English was influenced by Old Norse.

23. Which word comes from Ancient Greek?

A. Want. B. Kamos. C. Strava. D. Alphabet.


Iceland is Europe’s westernmost country. Over 1,000 years ago, ancient explorers migrated from northern Europe to Iceland and established the country. Most visitors’ popular destination is its capital city, Reykjavik, known for its stylish architecture. The city’s downtown area is lined with shops, art galleries, cafes, and bookstores.

Iceland is one of the most volcanically active nations in the world with a number of hot springs, all of which are heated naturally by volcanic activity. In fact, Iceland changes energy from these springs into electricity, which powers and heats people’s homes. As a result, Iceland burns very little fossil (化石) fuel, such as oil and gas. Hot springs are also popular among tourists. They receive more than 1.3 million visitors a year, who can relax their muscles and release their tension in the hot water.

Apart from springs, there is a range of outdoor activities for visitors to enjoy elsewhere in the country. “Iceland is an adventure,” says Squire, whose company organizes adventure trips. “We have Europe’s biggest glaciers (冰山), active volcanoes, cave explorations, and skiing.” One of Iceland’s most popular attractions is caving. Exploring Iceland’s unusual caves requires only basic caving knowledge and equipment. Ice caves are more challenging, however, and require special clothes and hiking tools.

If exploring caves and glaciers doesn’t interest you, head south. No trip to Iceland would be complete without a visit to the Golden Circle, which connects Gullfoss, Geysir, and Thingvellir Valley. Adventurers go to the Thingvellir Valley, where the land is actually separating and the stony ground beneath your feet frequently shifts. Hold on while you hike!

24. What is Reykjavik famous for?

A. Fashionable buildings. B. Small shops. C. Art galleries. D. Modern cafes.

25. Where does Iceland mainly get electricity?

A. From solar power. B. From hot springs. C. From oil. D. From gas.

26. What is hiking in Thingvellir Valley like?

A. Risky. B. Enjoyable. C. Boring. D. Rewarding.

27. Who is this passage mainly written for?

A. Scientists. B. The locals. C. Tourists. D. Business travellers.


It was two in the morning, and a koala was caught on a fence. A phone rang in the home of Ken, who was a volunteer devoted to rescuing wild koalas in Queensland. When he arrived on the scene, Ken put on heavy gloves. If koalas feel threatened, they bite. He then threw a blanket over the animal for more protection from being bitten. He then firmly grasped the koala through the blanket, and dropped it in a cage.

Normally, if the koala is healthy, it is released where it is found. Koalas tend to eat from the same eucalyptus trees (桉树) over and over. But, the problem was that there were no eucalyptus trees left for this koala. Ken had to take it to a small park nearby. Food is one of the reasons why koalas are at risk.

For 15 years, Ken has also been working on ways to make suburban areas more koala-friendly. He believes that koalas and humans can live together if certain changes are made. He recommends reducing speed limits in streets, creating more green areas for koalas to live in. What’s even more important is the need to preserve eucalyptus trees.

Even if these changes are made, koalas still have another problem. “Disease is a huge issue,” explains Ken. He says that almost half of Queensland’s female koalas are affected by a strange disease. “Without treatment, the koalas are unable to have babies. Koalas are becoming extinct,” says Ken.

Later that day, Ken visited a forest near Queensland to catch Tea, a wild female koala. Ken had been following Tea for over a year. Using special equipment, Ken walked and listened for a signal from the koala’s radio collar. He eventually found Tea sitting on a tree branch. Ken climbed up a ladder and caught Tea. After some medical check-ups, Ken found she had a baby. “As long as there are healthy babies,” he said, “there’s still hope.”

28. What did Ken use the blanket for?

A. Catching the koala after it fell from a fence. B. Covering the koala so that it didn’t harm him.

C. Keeping the koala warm after it was caught. D. Helping the koala stay calm in the cage.

29. Why was the koala that Ken caught released in a nearby park?

A. The koala was in a good physical condition. B. Koalas were fed in the same trees again and again.

C. It was the only place nearby that had eucalyptus trees. D. That was where the koala probably had its own baby.

30. What did Ken want to do with Tea?

A. To see if she had a baby. B. To put a radio collar on her.

C. To keep her in a cage. D. To give her medicine.

31. In which section of a newspaper may this passage appear?

A. Entertainment. B. Health. C. People and Animals. D. Politics.


Behind the enthusiastic song of an all-male choir (合唱队) lies a force that is better known for shaping the lives of hopeful frogs and crickets, research suggests. Recordings of a top boys’ choir, once directed by Johann Sebastian Bach in Germany, reveal that the more mature boys in the group boosted their voices when girls were appreciating their performances. The effect, seen only among the older singers, aged 16 to 19, is thought to be similar behaviour more often observed in frogs and crickets, which enhance their individual calls to stand out from the crowd during mate-attracting choruses.

“The boys’ singing sounds more brilliant and has a more attractive quality when girls are in the audience, but it is subtle,” said Keller, a professor who led the work at the centre for music in the brain at a university in Denmark. Keller and his colleagues teamed up with a well-known choir in Germany after a student and former member of the choir mentioned that the boys boosted their voices in a barely noticeable manner when female audience members were present.

Sound analysis of the boys singing a song composed by Bach found that, in the presence of girls aged 15 to 16, the boys improved their vocal brilliance and carried power by putting more energy. But it was unclear whether people, as opposed to sensitive sound devices, could detect the shift in voices, and if they could, whether the resulting sound was more or less appealing because of the enhanced singer’s performance.

To find out, the researchers ran two online studies in which 2,247 male and female volunteers listened to recordings of the boys singing with and without girls in the audience. While both male and female participants showed a difference between the two performances, only female volunteers preferred the boosted singing. “It’s really hard to tell,” Keller said. Details are published in a journal.

For the recordings, the boys performed once before an all-male audience and a second time when a group of teenage girls joined the front row on the pretence of being on a school trip. In interviews after the concert, the boys felt they sang better in front of the girls but none admitted trying to attract their attention.

According to the scientists, the findings suggest choir singing is a special form of social communication where cooperation and competitiveness, the latter potentially motivated by the opposite sex, can exist alongside one another. “You have a group of people working together,” said Keller, “but at the same time individually having this parallel channel of communication, sending out the competitive signal saying: pick me!”

32. What drives the mature boys to sing better according to Paragraph 1?

A. Their directors. B. Their audience. C. The frogs. D. The crickets.

33. What does the underlined word “subtle” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Brilliant. B. Competitive. C. Unforgettable. D. Unnoticeable.

34. How did Keller’s team carry out the research?

A. By observing the singers. B. By studying documents.

C. By doing field research. D. By conducting studies online.

35. What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Cooperation or Competition B. Force behind Boy’s Choir

C. Research into the Performance D. Attractive Frogs and Cricket Songs

第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to Succeed in a Job Interview

While most people want jobs, few look forward to being interviewed. Job interviews are stressful situations for even the most qualified candidates because applicants have only one opportunity to show that they will do better than the other applicants in the position they are seeking. 36

Applicants should research the company and learn about it as much as possible. They should not just focus on the department that may hire them. 37 Interviewers frequently ask the following questions, “What do you know about our company, and why would you like to work here?” To answer this kind of questions, applicants must have done sufficient research to understand the needs of the entire company.

38 The reason for this is quite clear. The interviewers are repeating the same questions to different candidates over several days, or even several weeks. 39 So, applicants should use this opportunity to impress the interviewers. They must recognize that the interviewers want to learn more about them, so they should give full, detailed, and unique answers to the questions.

Applicants should be careful about their non-verbal (非言语的) communication. Gestures, expressions and actions can speak a great deal louder than any words. For example, the interviewers notice an applicant glance at his or her watch or cell phone during an interview. 40

Although an applicant can never see precisely how an interview will go on, careful planning, detailed answers and attention to non-verbal communication will make the process of applying for a job more likely to be successful.

A. Instead, they should get to know the company as a whole.

B. They expect a good answer that they have never heard before.

C. Therefore, they need to pay attention to the way they use gestures.

D. To ensure a better chance for the job, consider the following advice.

E. To approach a job interview successfully, applicants should prepare well.

F. Applicants should consider ways to make their answers unique so that they will stand out.

G. It is quite possible that the interviewers will likely feel that this person is not that interested in the position.

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节, 满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I had never been more anxious in my life. I had just spent the last three hours trying to get to the airport. Now, as I saw my luggage on the airport sidewalk, I realized that my frustration had only just 41 .

This was my first visit to the international terminal (航空站) of the airport, and nothing was 42 . I could not make sense of any of the 43 . Where was the “Check-in counter”? Where was “Customs”? I didn’t know the way around. I began to 44 .

I tried to ask a passenger for 45 , but my words came out wrong. Maybe I said something that offended him. He just looked at me 46 and walked away. What had happened? I had been in this country for a whole semester, and I could not even remember how to ask for 47 . Just then, a bus arrived, and the passengers came out. Here was my chance! I could 48 them to the customs, and I would not have to say a word.

I went after the group and reached the 49 . Oh, no! There was not enough 50 for me. I watched in despair as the elevator door closed. When the elevator returned, I got on. The elevator slowly climbed up to the 3rd floor. As the door opened, tears appeared because I realized that I was 51 again. Just then, a kind man appeared. He saw me and gave me his handkerchief to dry my eyes as I told him my difficulty. He smiled and led me down a hallway and, 52 , there was customs!

When I turned to 53 him, he was gone. I will never know that kind man’s name, but I will always remember his 54 kindness. He helped me when I badly needed it. I can only hope that one day I will be able to do the same for another traveler 55 through a journey.

41. A. begun B. disappeared C. changed D. settled

42. A. convenient B. familiar C. complicated D. dangerous

43. A. entrances B. logos C. passengers D. signs

44. A. panic B. run C. complain D. struggle

45. A. service B. help C. sympathy D. attention

46. A. rudely B. sadly C. angrily D. quickly

47. A. solutions B. agreement C. response D. directions

48. A. follow B. lead C. invite D. accompany

49. A. customs B. elevator C. bus D. passengers

50. A. security B. support C. room D. comfort

51. A. lost B. embarrassed C. cheated D. defeated

52. A. in turn B. at last C. for example D. in short

53. A. inquire B. answer C. thank D. respect

54. A. careless B. regular C. delayed D. unexpected

55. A. suffering B. studying C. experiencing D. running

第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Foshan, a city rich in cultural heritage, celebrates the arrival of autumn with a grand event known as the Foshan Autumn Parade (佛山秋色巡游). This traditional cultural festival 56 (hold) a special place in the hearts of the locals. The Parade, featuring various performances, including lion and dragon dances, martial arts, and traditional costumes, takes place 57 (annual) during the autumn season, usually in October or November.

58 makes the parade most exciting is the lion and dragon dance, representing the spirit of strength. The colorful lion and dragon figures controlled by skilled 59 (perform) catch the attention and admiration of the viewers. Traditional martial arts shows are another crowd favorite. With the martial artists moving gracefully, the audience 60 (remind) of the importance of traditional Chinese culture. Traditional costumes can also be seen 61 (wear) by those artists. The designs and colors of these costumes serve 62 a symbol of Foshan’s rich history and cultural diversity.

The Foshan Autumn Parade is more than just a cultural festival. It is a remarkable event 63 the community celebrate the beauty of autumn. By 64 (participate) in and experiencing these ancient traditions, young people can gain 65 deeper understanding of their culture.

第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 (满分15分)

假设你是李华, 是学校环保社的社长, 请你根据所给提示, 为学校英文报纸写一封倡议书。要点如下:

1. 简要介绍你所在的校园环保社团;

2, 指出校园塑料大量使用的情况;

3. 发出减少塑料使用的倡议。


1. 写作词数应为80 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。




第二节 (满分25分)

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a typical Monday morning for Jenny, a diligent high school senior. The sound of her alarm clock woke her up, a rude awakening from her sweet dreams. She unwillingly opened her eyes, knowing what waited for her-another 5 long days at school.

Dragging herself out of bed, Jenny went through her usual morning routine. She hurriedly got dressed, grabbed her backpack, and rushed to the kitchen for breakfast. Her mother had prepared a nutritious meal, but Jenny had no appetite. She was too occupied with thoughts of an upcoming exam in her most challenging subject, mathematics.

As Jenny walked to school, her mind wandered back to the countless hours she had spent studying and practicing equations (方程式). She had put in lots of effort, hoping to improve her grades. However, despite her dedication, she was struggling to achieve the desired results. Doubts started crawling in, and anxiety stayed in her mind like dark clouds.

As students settled into their seats, Mr. Johnson, their math teacher, announced that the exam would take place that afternoon. Jenny started to feel afraid. She suddenly realized that she had forgotten her calculator at home, an essential tool for the exam. Panic turned into hopelessness, as she knew that borrowing one during the test would be strictly prohibited.

Jenny’s friends, Emma and David, noticed her worry and approached her after class. They offered their help. Emma suggested that Jenny be honest to Mr. Johnson and explain her situation. David, however, had a different plan. He proposed sneaking (偷偷给) his calculator to her during the exam, risking punishment for cheating.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。





















