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  [案例—— 学习英语儿歌]

  教学目的(Teaching aims):通过活动会唱一些英文名曲及英语儿童歌曲,能利用熟悉的曲谱自编英文歌曲,从而提高英语学习的兴趣。

  教学内容(Teaching content):1、找英文儿童歌曲


  教学准备(Preparation):同学们到各个音像书店去寻找自己需要的英语磁带或VCD, 或从网络中找到了许多儿童英语歌曲。

  教学过程(Teaching process):

  1、 教学主题导入

  T: Good morning, boys and girls. I have a gift for you. Let’s listen.




  T: Do you have any songs which can share(分享) with us?

  S1: I have ‘Hello!’

  S2: I have ‘ Body song’.

  S3: I have ‘How are you ? ’ …

  学生交流搜集到的比较动听、优美的英文歌曲。由于是三年级的学生,他们收集到的是比较简单的歌曲。教师介绍了影片插曲《Do-Re-Mi》;儿童歌曲《Rain, Rain, Go Away》和《Ten Little Indian Boys》歌曲。




  (1)、 分组交流自己喜爱的英语儿歌。学生四人小组讨论自己喜欢的歌曲。Eg: I like ‘Body song’. / I like ‘Do-Re-Mi’. …





  T:We have many beautiful songs here. Now would you like to sing the songs. Let’s learn the song ‘Do-Re-Mi’ and have a competition(比赛).

  Ss: OK!




  三. 教学反思

  1. 歌曲可以陶冶学生的心灵,把学生带入各种情感境界。学唱英文歌谣对于学习英语的孩子们来说是多方受益的学习辅助手段。它可融入英语语言学习活动过程中。学生至始至终保持着高度的热情和表现出浓厚的兴趣,全员参与,气氛热烈。

  2. 歌曲有利于激发并保持学生的学习兴趣,也是他们熟悉并喜欢的形式。兴趣是一种情绪,一旦人对某一事物产生兴趣,他就会积极地寻找能满足他兴趣的事物。那么如果孩子们能对学习英语产生浓厚的兴趣,就是学习和记忆英语的最积极、最有效、最持久的方法了。如果在教学过程中,掺上点“调味剂”——歌谣,让学生在学中乐、乐中学,学生就会轻轻松松地掌握知识。

  3. 密切了学生与生活的联系,推进学生对社会和自我之内在联系的整体认识与体验,解放学生的大脑、双手、眼睛、嘴巴,解放学生的时间与空间,使学生有更多的时间去自主学习、自主活动,在活动中发展学生的创新能力、实践能力及良好的个性品质。

  4. 演唱歌曲是一种很强的激发情感的手段,是一种快乐轻松的活动,有助于活跃课堂的学习气氛,给学生带来快乐与自信。






  Today must be my lucky day. This morning our headteacher told us a thing: because my bedroon was very clean the teacher gave us 10 points, and I became the best cleaner. I learnt a lot of English grammer when I have the English class of Miss Zhang’s enen though it is a little difficult to understand.

  The best thing I met in the day time is the australian teacher gave me an English name. It is sally, I think it is a beartiful name. Do you agree?after the two-day-study, I found that Mr. Williamson is very funny and my classmates are friendly.

  I’m happy today and I think I will be happy everyday during the summer camp of the English studies.

  班主任评语Excellent! Pretty handwriting! Sally is a nice name just like you, I think.


  Today is very hot, and I feel a little nervous. But our classes were very interesting. Our teacher help us to make some nice names, and now each of us has a good English name.

  Today is my third day here.i feel a little tired, but excited, because it’s my first time to leave parents for such a long time.

  This noon my friends and I played a very interesting game in our room, and I found my friend which has long hair is very lovely.

  My friends and I always get together no matter where we go. On the riverbank we found a multitude of insects. One of us likes them very much. She thinks insects are very lovely, but I don’t agree with her because I think insects are very dirty!

  班主任评语:A beautiful essay!



  I have many good friends at school, but my best friend is Yang Yiting. We have been classmates for many years. We are really very lucky to be together for such a long time.

  Yang Yiting is tall, she loos healthy and active. She is fond of music. She works hard at her lossons. She always tries her best to finish her homework.

  These years I’ve learned a good deal from her. I will always take her as one of my best friends.


  The stars in the sky were twinking. Some were crowded and others were separate. Then I founk the stars didn’t have the same color. There were many colors, white, gray, light, blue, orange, and so on. They were really beautiful. At that time, the sky was like blue screen decorated with millions of bright diamonds.

  班主任评语:Very good!



  My sky.

  I hope my sky is white. It is pure like snow and angle’s wing. I’ll became kind hearted and pure like angel.

  I hope my sky is green. It is filled with life. I’ll become open and clear.

  I hope my sky is red. It is hot, bring passion and light. I’ll become intense.

  I hope my sky is purple. It is gentle. I’ll become polite.

  I hope my sky is blue, calm and nice. I’ll become steaky.

  I hope my sky is diaphanous. It is like crystal. I’ll become pure---hearted.

  I hope m sky is colourful, nice and flowery. I’ll become rich and colourful.

  I hope my sky. I’ll make it more and more beartiful.

  班主任评语:Excellent!what a beautiful


  My dream

  My dream is strange because I can’t sein, but in my dream I can swin and very good. The strange dreams, I love them.


  My Mother

  She’s my mother——just an ordinary woman in her forties. I can’t remember her age clearly. Maybe you will think that I’m not a good son. But we just keep doing our own things and enjoy own life——a single and happy life.

  She looks not tall, but always s make me feel that I nan never reach her. When I was quite young, she was already very strict with me. If I did something good, she just said “all right. Do what you have to do next, then.” If I did something a little bad, she’d be greatly angry and shouted at me. As the time went on, she became even “worse”. I think that can be called bad. Whatever I’m interested in is not allowed to do, and whatever I hate has to be done a lot. So that my mother and I are always complaining about the marks I get in the exams, the time I spend in playing and things I buy, which have nothing to do with my studies.

  She never lets me do the washing and cleaning, for she just tells me to study hard. I haven’t got enough pratise. So I’m weak at looking afering myself. When I am alone, I’m always morrying about myself — I don’t know how to wash my clothes; I don’t know how to buy the best htings at a low prece, and I don’t know many many things. I just hope that she won’t regard me a little child any longer, and let me do what I want to do. I know you love me, Mum, but now I’m a grown-up. I love you, too, forever.



