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  • 考研历年英语二真题英译汉 考研历年英语二真题英译汉


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  • 历年考研英语英译汉真题 历年考研英语英译汉真题


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  • 英译汉考研英语一级真题 英译汉考研英语一级真题


  • 考研英语二级英译汉真题 考研英语二级英译汉真题


  • 英译汉考研英语一历年真题 英译汉考研英语一历年真题



  • 研英翻译演练(15)------------2022-04-08

  • What this means is that businesses that once were peripheral to the mall,such as full-service restaurants、major bookstor...
  • 研英翻译演练(13)------------2022-04-08

  • in light of all the concerns associated with this new well of genetic information,supporters of the research stress the...
  • 研英翻译演练(12)------------2022-04-08

  • no one can be a great thinker who does not realize that as a thinker it is his first duty to follow his intellect to wha...
  • 研英翻译演练(14)------------2022-04-08

  • nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job...
  • 研英翻译演练(9)------------2022-04-08

  • i have never been able to find in any mans book or any mans talk anything convincing enough to stand up for a moment aga...
  • 研英翻译演练(10)------------2022-04-08

  • But even he was unable to discover how long the gorilla lives,or how or why it dies,nor was he able to define the exact...
  • 研英翻译演练(11)------------2022-04-08

  • The difficulties that would have to be encountered by any one who attempted to explore the Moon——assuming th...
  • 研英翻译演练(8)------------2022-04-08

  • actually we know of no type of astronomical body in which the conditions can be favorable to life except planets like ou...
  • 研英翻译演练(7)------------2022-04-08

  • It is of interest to note that the US consumes more than one-half of the worlds supply of energy,the continent of Asia o...
  • 研英翻译演练(4)------------2022-04-08

  • this is the world out of which grows the hope,for the first time in history,of a society where there will be freedom fro...
  • 研英翻译演练(5)------------2022-04-08

  • along with them goes social mobility,ambition to rise in the urban world,a main factor in bringing down the births in eu...
  • 研英翻译演练(2)------------2022-04-08

  • of the intrinsic differences that separate amarican from english the chief have their roots in the obvious disparity bet...
  • 研英翻译演练(6)------------2022-04-08

  • science moves forward,they say,not so much through the insights of great men of gennius as because of more ordinary thin...
  • 研英翻译演练(3)------------2022-04-08

  • such an outcome,if it happens,could cause a political controversy;or it could lead to more power being transferred to th...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(39)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and p...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(40)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:during the past generation, the american middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to kee...
  • 研英翻译演练(1)------------2022-04-08

  • not only may agencies select for genetic traits,some fear parents may start to as well in what might be considered the m...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(37)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:it’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answe...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(36)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. or, put anothe...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(38)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:superhigh scores like vos savant’s are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical popul...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(33)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:if you then examine the european national youth teams that feed the world cup and professional ranks, you would find...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(35)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:this success,coupled with later research showing that memory itself as not genetically determined, led ericsson to c...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(34)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:what might account for this strange phenomenon? here are a few guesses: a) certain astrological signs confer superio...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(31)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:and one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually br...
  • 研英长难句翻译真题词汇详解:(32)------------2022-04-08

  • 长难句:if you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s world cup tournament you would...