



  • 英国人的两种不同的休闲方式------------2022-04-08

  • british people are always famous for their conservative nature. nevertheless,they also have some interesting ways to enj...
  • 英国酒客的举止------------2022-04-08

  • so now you have a drink, but what about meeting the locals? pub-goers will indicate in unspoken ways if they are interes...
  • 威尔士——艺术之邦------------2022-04-08

  • 威尔士是一个公国。她的国旗上有一条红色的龙,威尔士有两条格言“红龙指引道路”和“永远的威尔士”。1969年,英国王储查尔斯王子被册封为威尔士亲王时把把后一句改为“我永远为威尔士效劳”。威尔士人感到这对于国家的未来是一句精彩的格言,威尔士空前...
  • 英格兰—天使之地------------2022-04-08

  • 乘飞机前往英格兰,你一定会惊诧于那里的绿。那是一种连绵不尽、令人心醉的绿!放眼望去,机翼的那方土地,仿佛是一张厚厚的密密的绿毯漂浮在蔚蓝的大西洋边缘。诗人把英格兰描绘成“绿色的乐土”,身临其境,你也许会有一种人间天堂之感,莎士比亚就曾把这里...
  • 苏格兰—风笛的故乡------------2022-04-08

  • 苏格兰在历史上曾是一个独立的国家,即使在与英格兰合并之后,也保留着很大的独立性和鲜明的民族传统。苏格兰人习惯上仍称苏格兰是一个国家,这在联合王国内和国际足球界也得到承认,因此苏格兰可以组队参加世界杯足球赛。同样的还有威尔士和北爱尔兰。一个国...
  • 英联邦运动委员会简介 CGCE------------2022-04-08

  • the commonwealth games council for england is the organisation responsible for all matters relating to the commonwealth...
  • 北爱尔兰------------2022-04-08

  • 爱尔兰是大不列颠岛西面的一个小岛。可就在这个小岛上却存在着两种不同的政治制度和两种不同的政权。爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰是联合王国的一部分,独立的爱尔兰共和国占据着岛上其他的土地。北爱尔兰没有什么重要的矿藏,但有相当规模的工业产业。首府贝尔法...
  • 苏格兰第三大城市阿伯丁 Aberdeen------------2022-04-08

  • aberdeen is the entertainment, leisure and cultural centre of north-east scotland and host to a wide variety of public e...
  • 格拉斯哥(Glasgow)现代艺术走廊------------2022-04-08

  • the gallery of modern art is located in the centre of glasgow, just off buchanan street and close to central station.gom...
  • 伦敦国家美术馆 National Gallery------------2022-04-08

  • the national gallery houses one of the greatest collections of european painting in the world. with paintings ranging fr...
  • 美丽的港口城市利物浦 Liverpool------------2022-04-08

  • among the finest galleries and collections are those housed in the national museums liverpool. these include the walker,...
  • 伯明翰的树Trees in Birmingham------------2022-04-08

  • birmingham is renowned for its urban trees in streets, parks and gardens. street trees especially are a vital component...
  • 英格兰第四大城市谢菲尔德------------2022-04-08

  • sheffield is a great place to be…youll soon realise why we’re so proud of our city. we just love it.whats m...
  • Burleigh Street 伯利大街------------2022-04-08

  • Robert Sayle have agreed to relocate from their existing St Andrews St store to Burleigh St during construction of the G...
  • Theater London 伦敦剧院------------2022-04-08

  • the theater in london offers a variety of plays to suit all tastes. a theater aficionado would find it hard to choose fr...
  • Magistrates Court 牛津郡法院------------2022-04-08

  • the developer has been working with the magistrates to find an acceptable relocation for the courts for some time.in aug...
  • 里兹修道院博物馆 Abbey House------------2022-04-08

  • welcome to the web site for abbey house museum, one of the hidden treasures of leeds. we hope that if you are not alread...
  • London restaurants 伦敦的饭店------------2022-04-08

  • London being the interesting and cultural city that it is, there is no dearth of restaurants in London offering some of...
  • 曼城 Art Gallery 艺术展览馆------------2022-04-08

  • manchester art gallery reopened in 2002 a mixture of refurbishment and new build. the design practice of michael hopkins...
  • Manchester 曼彻斯特市------------2022-04-08

  • manchester city is part of a large metropolitan county called greater manchester. located west of the pennine hills, man...
  • 英国皇家花园------------2022-04-08

  • lady salisbury restored 42 acres of gardens at hatfield house, her home after taking up residence with her husband, the...
  • 英国南部海滨伯恩茅斯Bournemouth------------2022-04-08

  • experience a taste of the continent on the south coast of england. nestled in a sheltered bay, bournemouth seven miles o...
  • 曼彻斯特大教堂------------2022-04-08

  • located in the oldest part of the city - overlooking the river irwell, between st anns square and victoria station - the...
  • 关于芒种这7个习俗你知道吗------------2022-04-08

  • 以下是小编给大家整理的关于芒种这7个习俗你知道吗?希望可以帮到大家The Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain in Ear, (Chinese...
  • 布莱顿当选英国“最健康城市”------------2022-04-08

  • brighton is the healthiest city in britain with the highest level of personal trainers, yoga clubs and health food store...

