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one's life without friendship,however,and there are a few people to have a sincere friendship?

“all good things must come to an end,” there are some things,only lost,just know to cherish。 friendship is not like this?although some people look made many friends,but how many sincere friends?

in your life,if can make some sincere friends,even one,in your difficulties,also won't feel lonely,because,have a bosom friend abiding by for you,at least,you have the confidence to overcome difficulties。 khalil gibran once said:“and you laughed together,you may forget it;but people cried with you,but you never forget。” the man who can share the joys and sorrows with you is the most sincere friend。

i also have a sincere friend,and she together,i can feel warm,happy,happy。 to her,i learned to understanding,tolerance。

once we quarreled,at that time,i was very angry,i do not understand,so many years friends,why not let me,but i never thought of her feelings,only know others to patronize me,but i don't know should to understand other people。 finally,she apologized to me,after the event,i really very ashamed。

no matter what you say,a sincere friend,you will get a beautiful sky!


There is a saying goes,“life without a friend is a life without a sun”,that isTo say,Friendship is indispensable to people's life.

Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help.

Every one need friends, and if you fail to make friends, you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality. Maybe you have social faults such snobbishness, talkativeness and using slang etc. All of that will drive your new acquaintances. Whatever your social faults may be, look at them honestly and make real effort to correct them.

However, what’s actual difficult is that friendship is easier made than e are several important elements necessary to maintain a good friendship.

Listen ability to really listen to another is a cornerstone of good helps you to understand your friend and his/her feelings,as well as shows that you really care. Spend quality time with your relationship can be satisfying without quality time spend time for your friend,schedule get together.

Be forgiving. There is not even one person in the world who is know your own shortcomings,so don't expect perfection from others.I'm not saying that you should always accept a wrong doing on your friend's them when you didn't like something and be always ready to make up 't hold grudges in your will help your friend to be long-suffering with you as well.

Admit your faults every friendship there will be conflict sooner or it comes,often the wrong is on both sides Admit your wrongs instead of just pointing out the wrongs of another person will help you both to keep the line of communication open and strengthen your friendship

In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.


I believe that friend is just like the candle in the dark; whenever, you are involved into grieve danger, your friends would be the most useful guide to help you out.

As such, friends are the most essential part in everyone's lives. The friends around me are very nice and always ready to help. I really appreciate all their assistance to my study and work. I usually spendall my spare time with my best friends. We normally go shopping and play basketball together. The best way to keep friendship lies in frequent contact. If not, the relationship between you and your friends would be remote.

So, a simple phone call or a warm visit would greatly help you promote your friendship!


Making friends is a skill like many other skills. it improves withpractice. if you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing totake some actions. you must first go where there are people. you won’t makefriends staying home alone. join a club or a group. taking with those who likethe same things as you do is much easier. or join someone in some people are nervous when talking to new people. after all meeting strangersmeans facing the unknown. and it’s human nature to feel a bit unfortable aboutthe unknown. most of our fears about dealing with new people e from doubts aboutourselves. we imagine other people are judging us of finding us too tall or toshort, too this or too that. but don’t forget that they must be feeling the sameway. try to accept yourself as you are and try to put the other person at ’ll both feel more fortable.

Try to be self-fident even if you don’t feel that way. when you enter aroom full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, lookdirectly at other people and smile.

If you see someone you like to speak to, say something . don’t wait for theother person to start a conversation.

Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with thatperson-friendship is based on mutual liking and “give and take”. it takes timeand effort to develop.


As a human being,one can hardly do anything without a friend.Helping oneout of trouble and bringing happiness to a lonely heart,a true friend may shedsunshine and love on one's life.A friend will help you find out and overcome anoverlooked shortcoming,so that you can make progress and have success in yourwork or study.All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.Truefriendship is like an in-time rain falling on the dry land.True friends are notthose like to eat or drink together with you,but those who concern more aboutyour needs,growth,successes and failures.Just as the old saying puts it,“Afriend in need is a friend indeed”.I think it's the right reply to the meaningof the love of friendship!


Zhang Dong is my best friend. He entered our class last semester. He is aboy. Both of us are good at English, so we often have a chat in English in ourspare time. After school, we often play football together on the playground. Heruns so fast that I can not catch up with him. He is an excellent student. Henot only gets good marks in all subjects but also is very kind and modest. Heloves popular songs and also classical music.

There are three people in his family and he is the only child. His fatheris a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera actress. Though Zhang Dongs familyis wealthy, he is usually simply dressed. He has a dream which is to be alawyer.

Such is my friend, a clever and kind boy. He is highly praised by theteachers and students.


Of our mixed life two quests are given control: food for the body,friendship for the soul. Friendship, like colorful candy, always filled with thepeople.

Friends can give you encouragement to overcome the difficulties and bringbrightness to your life. Sometimes, you may extend your gratitude to them fortheir being there with you.

Some people may forsake their friends in favor of money or power. That'sabsolutely wrong. You should know that money and power are temporary and thatfriends are everlasting .That should be everyone's creed. To me, withoutfriends,I am nothing.

There was a time when I was heart-broken. My friends stood by me andoffered continuous quantities of sympathy,encourage and love, which cheerd meup. Then, I was aware that I was so blessed and lucky!

In my opinion, no man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of hisfriend till he is unhappy. I will cherish my friendship from the bottom of myheart.


Since I came to middle school, I have made many friends and the lucky thingis that I meet my best friend. Her name is Lucy, we are in the same class. Thefirst day I came to the class, I was so shy to meet the strange faces, then agirl asked me to sit down with her.

We talked happily and she introduced other classmates to me. Lucy is a verynice girl. When I am in trouble, she will help me to solve it. I am so thankfulto her, so I try to be a strong girl to return her. When she meets trouble, Iwill help her without hesitation.

Friendship makes me stronger.


Making friends is a skill like many other skills. it improves withpractice. if you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing totake some actions. you must first go where there are people. you won’t makefriends staying home alone. join a club or a group. taking with those who likethe same things as you do is much easier. or join someone in some activities.many people are nervous when talking to new people. after all meeting strangersmeans facing the unknown. and it’s human nature to feel a bit unfortable aboutthe unknown. most of our fears about dealing with new people e from doubts aboutourselves. we imagine other people are judging us of finding us too tall or toshort, too this or too that. but don’t forget that they must be feeling the sameway. try to accept yourself as you are and try to put the other person at ease.you’ll both feel more fortable.

Try to be self-fident even if you don’t feel that way. when you enter aroom full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, lookdirectly at other people and smile.

If you see someone you like to speak to, say something . don’t wait for theother person to start a conversation.

Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with thatperson-friendship is based on mutual liking and “give and take”. it takes timeand effort to develop.


Everybody needs somebody, somebody whom is called “Friend”. “A friend inneed is a friend indeed.” If only that kind of friends can be called “Friends”,then there are only few up-to-standards for me. About friendship, we havemillions of quotes to support my “saying”, “Friendship is nothing but giving.”But for most of the time, we're pleased with receiving things from others,instead of giving. Well, I'm not saying friendship is based on stuff-giving, butit needs emotion exchange, like “I can give you nothing but friendship”, it setsup a very good example of friendship. Maybe we're too concerning about others'shortcomings, that we've missed a lot of friends-to-be. There are too manyaspects about a good friend after all. So just take it easy, and let time do therest.


If life is a banquet, friendship is a flower. Friendship is to our lifewhat water is to fish. If you are in trouble, friends will surround you andremove the barriers for you. Friendship plays an important role in our dailylife. I’ll cherish my friendship forever.

When I was in Grade 3 in senior high school, because of serious headache, Icouldn’t go to school. The doctor said that I must have a rest for a week. Oncehearing that, I was anxious. The step of Gaokao approaches. The subjects arequite difficult. One night at eleven o’clock when we heard someone knock thedoor, mum opened the door. Li Ming came in .He walked towards my bed and askedmy body. Then he said he would help me with the subjects. I didn’t agree withhim .After a day’s classes he was very tired. But he insisted on helping me withthe subjects. In the end, I agreed. Whether it was fine or not, he camepunctually. I was deeply impressed by his kindness. Apart from helping me withthe subjects, he also comforted me. And I felt better. As proverb says “If youtell your sorrow to your friends, your sorrow will be reduced by half.” Ithought he had helped me a lot. If he had not helped me with the subjects atthat time, I firmly believed I would have fallen behind others. I felt animmense gratitude to Li Ming. I was happy to have such a friend.

To sum up, a life without a friend is a life without sun. Friendship is oneof the most valuable things in life. We should treasure our friendship.


As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend, for life withoutfriends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea or one in the barrendesert. Traly, a friend gives out light and warmth like a lamp. For this reason,I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness,cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. It iswonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide helpand encouragement in my pursuit of a noble and glorious cause.

For millions of years, people have heaped beautiful verses and essays uponfriendship. Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for thereare always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends whenyou are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant youcome down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. Therefore, peopleall attach great importance to the recognition of true friendship. And afaithful friend is considered even more precious than a priceless pearl or aprecious stone. The old saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed” has becomethe teaching and standard for true friends.

Still, it is natural that different people observe different principles inmaking friends. Some view it important to make friends with whom they may sharesimilar interests or hobbies with. Others are liable to befriend VIPs so as togain some favors or privileges. And I am of those who think very little ofsimilarity or position or power. So long as a person has a heart of gold, beingwarm-hearted, selfless, honest, open-minded, but not brutal, cold, shortsightednor narrow-minded, I am willing to make friends with him or her, give my duesupport and help, and remain faithful to him or her all my life.


In my contact with all people, have their own friendship, have their owngood friend. I have not a good friend, however, has yet to get their ownfriendship. Every day I live in a person's world, although the classmates willplay with me, but I did not feel the taste of a friend. Can ever since thathappened after that one, I am very anxious to have a pure friendship.

That is what happened in the five grade, there were two students in theirrelationship is very good, very deep friendship, brothers. One day, xiao li dueto illness can not to school, he also shed a lot of homework. After hisrecovery, to school, because of absence from school, his grades plummet, fromninety something dropped to below 6 very fast, he is very upset. After huangknow, also very worried, because she know xiao li is due to absence from schoolresult is bad, and now also graduating class, the only way is to her to give himmake up a missed lesson. So she went to help him with his homework after schoolevery day. She every day so, friendship is more valuable.

There will always be paid what everyone, friends back to its previousstate. When he was asked why she wanted to help, she always said: “he is my goodfriend, as his friend, I can't help?”

She said deeply branded in my mind, I came out from a cool environment,eager to get belongs to own the friendship, I have understood everything. I wantto, I can get your friendship!






I believe that friend is just like the candle in the dark; whenever, youare involved into grieve danger, your friends would be the most useful guide tohelp you out. As such, friends are the most essential part in everyone's lives.The friends around me are very nice and always ready to help. I reallyappreciate all their assistance to my study and work. I usually spendall myspare time with my best friends. We normally go shopping and play basketballtogether. The best way to keep friendship lies in frequent contact. If not, therelationship between you and your friends would be remote. So, a simple phonecall or a warm visit would greatly help you promote your friendship!


Friendship is a kind of relationship that many accompany you all your relationship with your wife or husband occurs only after you are married andruns the risks of being cut down by divorce. The relationship with your parentswill be put to an end with their passing away. The relationship with yourchildren begins late in the middle of your life. You have an association withyour colleagues, but it is always changing, because one day, one or anothercolleague may disappear suddenly out of your routine by changing jobs and youmay similarly jump out of your colleagues' lives. You have connection with yourneighbors only for the sake of living in the same neighborhood and it will breakdown when you or one of your neighbors moves.


I believe that friend is just like the candle in the dark; whenever, youare involved into grieve danger, your friends would be the most useful guide tohelp you out. As such, friends are the most essential part in everyone's friends around me are very nice and always ready to help. I reallyappreciate all their assistance to my study and work. I usually spendall myspare time with my best friends. We normally go shopping and play basketballtogether. The best way to keep friendship lies in frequent contact. If not, therelationship between you and your friends would be remote. So, a simple phonecall or a warm visit would greatly help you promote your friendship!


As a human being,one can hardly do anything without a ing oneout of trouble and bringing happiness to a lonely heart,a true friend may shedsunshine and love on one's life.A friend will help you find out and overcome anoverlooked shortcoming,so that you can make progress and have success in yourwork or the splendor in the world is not worth a good friendship is like an in-time rain falling on the dry friends are notthose like to eat or drink together with you,but those who concern more aboutyour needs,growth,successes and as the old saying puts it,“Afriend in need is a friend indeed”.I think it's the right reply to the meaningof the love of friendship!


There is a saying goes,“life without a friend is a life without a sun”,thatisTo say,Friendship is indispensable to people's life.

Friendship is to our life whatsalt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers onthe brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you arein trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if youhave a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help.

Every one need friends, and if you fail to make friends, you should examineyourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality. Maybe youhave social faults such snobbishness, talkativeness and using slang etc. All ofthat will drive your new acquaintances. Whatever your social faults may be, lookat them honestly and make real effort to correct them.

However, what’s actual difficult is that friendship is easier made e are several important elements necessary to maintain a goodfriendship.

Listen ability to reallylisten to another is a cornerstone of good helps you to understandyour friend and his/her feelings,as well as shows that you really care. Spend quality time with your relationship can be satisfying without quality time spend timefor your friend,schedule get together.

Be forgiving. There is not even one person inthe world who is know your own shortcomings,so don't expectperfection from others.I'm not saying that you should always accept a wrongdoing on your friend's them when you didn't like something and bealways ready to make up 't hold grudges in your will helpyour friend to be long-suffering with you as well.

Admit your faults every friendship there will be conflict sooner it comes,often the wrong is on both sides Admit your wrongs insteadof just pointing out the wrongs of another person will help youboth to keep the line of communication open and strengthen your friendship

Inshort, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure itby means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keepthe sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.


Everyone in the world is not alone. We have families also friends. Peoplebecome friends with millions of reasons and also some become friends without anyreason. People have different characteristics may also become friends as a kindof mutual compensation. The three friends below can all give me some advice whenI was misled in life.

My friend’s name is Jack. We did not become friends immediately when we metin middle-school. He is the same age as me, but he is like some kind of a tutorto me. And he is tolerant to my fault all the time. It is he who made me knowthe definition of friendship. I was a mischievous boy at that time and I washanging out with some hooligans. He wanted to save me a better future by drivingme back to my studies. The way he chose seemed weird, because he did notpersuade me like teachers or my parents. He tried to join us. He hanged out withus actually with me only. “Making the wrong friends is just like taking drugs.”,he once said to me. That was the reason why he chose the weird way to persuademe. A strong mind always helps. I also remembered that once I made him veryangry by cheating him. But the moment I wanted to say sorry to him, he told methat friends indeed would never say sorry to each other. From then on the world“sorry” was gone in my dictionary. We need not to forgive each other but tounderstand each

For children, parents stand for the authority and are strict. My mother isa very capable woman in educating. As for me, my mother is just like an eldersister. She has her own way to educate me and never uses force to regulate mybehavior, which makes her distinct from other parents. Even when I was ateenage, she preferred talking to me instead of physical punishment. The mostserious punishment as I could remember was that I stood at the corner of ourgarden, for my dog and I made the vegetables a mess. I appreciated that mymother gave me the opportunities to learn from the experiences. I got to knowthat through my 18th birthday present. The present was a cell phone. I used tobe a faddist. My mother wanted to make me more rational on money. And I wascrazy about cell phones when I was in high school. She decided to by me a veryexperience mobile phone as my present for my 18th birthday. Then she told methat fad was nothing but to fade away. I did not take this immediately as wellas some other things happened like this. And she would wait until I got to knowthe right myself.

Jane is not the most beautiful girl I have ever met. But she is the mostsuitable one to be my girlfriend. She is optimistic and progressive. Beforemeeting her, I thought I was some kind of a loser of life and I treatedeverything in the world with hatred. It is Jane that gets me to the right day she asked me what I wanted to be in the future. I said nothing. That wasthe only moment I saw sadness slipped over her face. Then she gave me a smileand told me that I would be the best if I wanted to. “There are no difficultiesif you put your heart into something.” She said to me. She also changed my badtemper. When I was wildly complaining I was not fairly treated in the basketballcompetition to the referee, she would pull me away in case I would be punishedby the authority. Jane also forgave my carelessness. She did not blame me that Ioften remembered her birthday three or more days later and even I got her thingslost due to my inattention.

I was told that once people become friends they will get benefits from eachother all life along. I am lucky to be bestowed with Jack, Jane and my they are the persons whom I always can count on in my life.


friendship is an umbrella of two figure,is a table on the two pairs of eyes;friendship is like a curved warm harbor,quietly to soothe tired sailing;friendship is crossing the sea,see each other eyes of tacit understanding,is unexpected。

since have the friendship,i no longer lonely,lonely。 we are always side by side,hand in hand,walking along the street at dusk,running in the romance in the rain。 we are always on the same table,focused on learning。 sometimes silence,their respective;from time to time to discuss with each other,“quarrel”。 we will always be on a park bench,or talk to each other in the heart trouble and sorrow,be considerate comfort;or will be happy to tell each other,and then laugh。

since i no longer have the friendship,weak。 when the fall in the road of life,and his heart was dominated by “give up” this idea completely。 however,at this time,my friend will pick up,remind me to be strong,long life,is no thorns,if be tripped,has languished,choose to give up,how can feel the successful happiness?these words,made me hopeful again。 from then on,whenever you fall,i will stand up,will it as a test of fate,believe not far from success。

since have the friendship,i have found the “intended—and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended” feeling。 for the same question,we often have the same opinion。 we worship the same star,like the same color,love the same kind of writing style...... also,we are also cherish the friendship。

friendship let us have a happy,confident,brave,insist!


everyone has their own stories in are joyful,some are bitter evena little embarrassment across in. every story in the movie seems to be soexciting,wondful and beautiful,but our real life likely to cantrary to the falsestories.

it is one of my stories between my friend with me,though the abscense oflots of the episodes that should happen in the false stories,i still hardlyforget it and old friend where are you?whether you are waiting for me toscramble over the wall,or brag with each other again. at least,i alwaysmemorised what we both used to do ever, and the motto just for you and me.

it was the first time,what a school!we had to stay in “jail”eating rubbish food for lunch and gambled through all lunch ,come on,giveme a break,god!Did you see that other high school students hold a girl in armwith a cigarette on the mouth walking in the street at lunch time. why i sayingthis was totally not i wanna compare with those guys or something like as that igrudge them. actually, a beef burger and a cup of milk that was enough for sure one more pack of chips was better,whatever small pack or large er,a little computer game would make me fell that the world is sobeautiful.

“hi,hao wen,how do you think about the school rule?” i asked.

“whatever,i do it in my style”,he said maturely.

“oh? do something different!so can you tell me what's your plan?” i askedcuriously.

“it is just a very easy action but doesn't sound easy. we school break,doyou follow me?” he smiled at me.

“wh...a...t? what you mean?” i was very confused to ask him.

“have you watched the serials of prison break?” he asked.

suddenly,i rapidly stayed in silent. let me think about it. five minuteslater.“yes,why not? it must be so exciting,but tell me how? how to school break?i asked.

”we see at the school yard after the fourth period,then you will get it.“he didn't answer me immediately.

”now tell me how to get out of here“ i asked.

” come on ,the answer is in front of you.“ he replied.

”what? are you kidding me? it's just a wall, or you mean that we need toscramble over it.“ i asked with a little anger.

”yes, that 's it.“ he grined at me.

”it's impossible, i've never done that ever.“ i said disoppointed.

”hi!be 't you see the brand of your t-shirts you wore? wa,!you are so rich, the brand of xtep is under the brand of metersbone,you are wearing in brand.“ he said so exciting.

”so what?“ i asked.

”what you are scared of now? nothing is impossible, i walk in my style asif the sense of flying.“

he encouraged me/

”what a nice saying,you are so literate,but that doesn't make sense at all“i said.

”don't worry about it,believe in yourself. you try your best to do it andwill done it perfectly. give yourself a !i lead the way.“ he said.

”...t,damn!“ i murmured.

”congratulations!you've done well.“ he said.

”i promise that's my first time also is my last time.“ i said.

”a haha hah!it's just a beginning. you are a talent and courageous warriori've never seen the way, beautiful girls are waiting for us.“ hegrined.

a girl with a head of light black hairs that covered a watery almond eyewore in pink. her lips seemed to be so sweet,and that looked so , wen look this one. this sexy,beautiful and luscious girl who isexactly the kind of girls i fascinated in. oh,my god!the kind of cure girls arehere,too. jesus forgive me,please!but why didn't you tell me they were justliving the small square boxes.” i asked.

“you are a colour wolf,aren't you?” he replied.

“bulshit,you are a badman.” i refuted.

“oh, come on!don't deny. all right. tomorrow i will introduce to you agirl who is like that you just told me.” as usual, he smiled at me.

“really?” i asked him happily.

“no,i am kidding you.” he laughed.

then we both laughed from face to face. it was somhow like if the westernjokes that are very easy but funny and interesting. we both enjoyed it much atthe age of 15 years old.

running,running,be quick,or we will be late. i don't want to stand outsideof the class though the whole period. come on,come to catch up me. the last onewill get the “nice” title of turtle king. of course, the champion will be therunning elite. i am sure that i will be the first one the destination. yes,o,ye!he was always very confident about anything, he never thought he will get was one of his traits i was really envious of him.

the things that in the reality are not always go straight like as thethings in the movie. i got cramp and callapsed. “are you ok?” he asked.

“you'd better to go now,it takes much time to recover from cramp.” isaid.

“that's ok,i wait for you.” he replied.

“what a stupid idiot you are, you are getting late. come on, just leave mealone and go please.” i said desperately.

now listen to me,we had defeated the enemies who are ten times as more us,and escaped from many plights.

although these things all happend in computer games,one thing will not bechanged forever,you are my best comrade. before it was,now it is, future it willbe. so i can't leave you give me your hands. thereafter,he took me tothe calss on his back in time.

four years later, when my back from the hell to home,i was trying tocontact to him,but my other friends told me “he had gone”. they said that oneday, he didn't come to school then they never saw him again.

they had tried to connect to him before,but he changed his telephone numberand moved. i was shocked by the news. i was going to retaste the feeling ofscrambling with him,even i didn't mind if thos who see us scrambling what theylook us as.

after all,without you without my part of childhood memories.


